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标记问题 ---> Google 地图 API Javascript

[英]Problem with Markers ---> Google Maps API Javascript

can you help me with this problem?你能帮我解决这个问题吗? My dashboard works like this: I have to locate a rover (flag icon) on the map, then I have to add markers on the map that simulate the waypoints that the rover must perform, when I press the START button I have to see the rover moving to each waypoint I created with the markers, to the last and stop there.我的仪表板是这样工作的:我必须在 map 上找到一个流动站(旗帜图标),然后我必须在 map 上添加标记来模拟流动站必须执行的航路点,当我按下开始按钮时,我必须看到流动站移动到我用标记创建的每个航路点,到最后一个并停在那里。

My problem is that the rover (flag icon) only moves to the last marker entered.我的问题是流动站(旗帜图标)只移动到最后输入的标记。 I used a dynamic array to store the markers inside it, and in my solution idea, the rover, with a For loop and the setPosition() method should go to the first marker, wait 5s (setTimeout(5000)) and then move to the next, etc. what am I doing wrong?我使用动态数组将标记存储在其中,在我的解决方案想法中,带有 For 循环和 setPosition() 方法的流动站应该将 go 指向第一个标记,等待 5s (setTimeout(5000)),然后移动到接下来,等等我做错了什么?

this is the code JS:这是代码 JS:

 * @license
 * Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


function initMap() {
//array arr1 which will contain the dynamically added markers      
  var arr1=[];

//myLatLng object with lat and lng attributes for position (europe)
  let myLatLng = { lat: 44.525961, lng: 15.255119  };

//constant map and assigned the map placed in the div id="map"
        const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
          zoom: 4,
          //coordinates europe
          center: myLatLng,
//marker object to put starting marker (rover)
        var markerRover = new google.maps.Marker({
          position: myLatLng,
          map: map,
          draggable: true,
          title: "ROVER",
          icon: "https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/full/images/beachflag.png"
//variables to write the rover coordinates in form input

        let latitudine= document.getElementById('latitudine').value= markerRover.position.lat();
        let longitudine= document.getElementById('longitudine').value= markerRover.position.lng();
//CLICK EVENT TO ADD MARKER by clicking on the map, calls the placeMarker function which places the marker on the map where the click occurred
        map.addListener("click", (e) => {
          placeMarker(e.latLng, map);
        function placeMarker(latLng, map) {
          var mark= new google.maps.Marker({
            position: latLng,
            map: map,
// dynamic array to store the markers placed by placeMarker
//test print arr dynamic markers          
//event for START button
          var START = document.getElementById('start');
          START.addEventListener("click",  function spostaRover()
//test print to see the length of the array
//for loop to set rover position on markers added dynamically  

              for(let i=0; i<arr1.length; i++)

//attempt to wait 5s and then move rover marker to new position
                    setTimeout(() =>  markerRover.setPosition(arr1[i].position),5000);
                    console.log('marcatore '+i+' fatto')
//in the Rover Coordinates input form, I add the new coordinates that the rover will have   
                      latitudine=document.getElementById('latitudine').value= markerRover.position.lat();
                      longitudine=document.getElementById('longitudine').value= markerRover.position.lng();
              //evento per tasto CONFIRM
              var CONFIRM = document.getElementById('confermaTappa');
              CONFIRM.addEventListener("click",  function addTappa(){
                // scrive in textArea le coordinate dell'ultimo marcatore creato
                let td1= document.getElementById("coordTry").textContent= "latitudine: "+mark.position.lat()+"\n" +"longitudine: " +mark.position.lng();
                //let td2= document.getElementById("coordTry").textContent=mark.position.lng();
          //evento per tasto remove
          var REMOVE = document.getElementById('removeMarker');
          REMOVE.addEventListener("click", function removeMarker(){
            //leva da arr1 (array dei marcatori) ultimo marcatore da array
            //prova di stampa
            //manca di togliere ultimo marcatore dalla mappa
      }//closing placemarker
        window.initMap = initMap;

And this is the html:这是 html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
 Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
 SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    <script src="script.js"></script>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

    <!-- jsFiddle will insert css and js -->


<div class="container1">

      <div id="map">


    <div class="containerPulsanti1">

      <div class="containerPulsanti2">

      <button class="pulsante" 
      <button class="pulsante"

      <button class="pulsante"

      <button class="pulsante"


    <!-- Container 2 per coordinate attuali e tabella tappe*/  -->
    <div class="container2">

      <!-- Container 3 per gestire in flex contenuto container2 -->
      <div class="container3">
     <!-- Container per label coordinate-->
        <div class="containerCoordinate">

          <h2>Coordinate rover</h2>

            <div id="coordinate">

              <label for="coordinate" class="coordinateLat" > Latitudine</label>
              <input type="text" class="coordinateGeo" id="latitudine" name="latitudine" disabled >

              <label for="coordinate" class="coordinateLong"> Longitudine</label>
              <input type="text" class="coordinateGeo" id="longitudine" name="longitudine" disabled >


      <div class="containerTable">

        <h2>Coordinate tappe Rover</h2>

            <label for="coordTry"></label>
            <textarea id="coordTry" name="story" rows="10" cols="45" >
      <!-- <table class="table">




      <tbody class="bodyTable">

      <td id="tappa1lat">-</td>
      <td id="tappa1lng">-</td>

      <td id="tappa2lat">--</td>
      <td id="tappa2lng">--</td>





     The `defer` attribute causes the callback to execute after the full HTML
     document has been parsed. For non-blocking uses, avoiding race conditions,
     and consistent behavior across browsers, consider loading using Promises
     with https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googlemaps/js-api-loader.
<!--<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyAFkjhEDLfud-pZFUtE_wdfspot2IWnuXI&callback=initMap&libraries=drawing&v=weekly" defer>   </script>
<!--  ,geometry,places  ---non mio-->

  <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyB41DRUbKWJHPxaFjMAwdrzWzbVKartNGg&callback=initMap&libraries=drawing&v=weekly" defer> </script>  



This is the CSS style:这是 CSS 样式:

  /* stile html e body*/
   @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Coda');

   body {
     background: rgb(0,0,0);
   background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 71%, rgba(168,167,0,1) 100%, rgba(204,209,0,1) 100%);
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;
     height: 150vh;
     width: 100%
   /*my rules*/
     font-family: Coda, cursive;
     font-style: italic;
       text-align: center;
       font-size: 35px;
       letter-spacing: 4px;
       word-spacing: 3px;
       color: rgb(247, 255, 0);
   h2 {
     font-family: Coda, cursive;
     font-style: italic;
       text-align: center;
       letter-spacing: 4px;
       word-spacing: 3px;
       color: rgb(247, 255, 0);

   /*container Principale che parte da sotto al titolo h1*/
   .container1 {
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column;
     height: 100%;
   /*mappa GOOGLE     div per contenere mappa*/
   #map  {
     flex: 6;
   /*Container 2 per coordinate attuali e tabella tappe*/
   .container2 {
     flex: 3;
     padding-bottom: 1%;
   /*container 3 per gestire in flexbox contenuto container 2*/
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: row;
     justify-content: space-around;
     padding: 10px;
   .containerPulsanti2 {
     padding: 10px;
     margin: 10px;
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: row;
     justify-content: space-evenly;
     align-items: center;
   .pulsante {
     font-size:17px ;
     padding:10px 25px;
   .containerPulsanti2 {
     box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #3dc21b;
     border:1px solid #18ab29;
   #start:hover {
   #start:active {
     box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px red;
     border:1px solid red;
   #stop:hover {
     background-color: #f16161;
   #stop:active {
     color: #000000;
     box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px yellow;
     border:1px solid yellow;
   #removeMarker:hover {
   #removeMarker:active {
     color: #000000;
     box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px yellow;
     border:1px solid yellow;
   #confermaTappa:hover {
   #confermaTappa:active {
   .coordinateGeo {
     padding: 5px;
     font-size: 16px;
     border-width: 2px;
     border-color: #fffb09;
     background-color: black;
     color: #ffffff;
     border-style: solid;
     border-radius: 10px;
     margin-top: 1vh;
   /*.coordinateGeo:focus {
   #coordinate {
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column;
   text-align: center;
   .coordinateLong {
     margin-top: 2vh;
     font-family: verdana;
       text-align: center;
       font-size: 20px;
       color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
   .coordinateLat {
    margin-top: 2vh;
     font-family: verdana;
       text-align: center;
       font-size: 20px;
       color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
         text-align: center;
         text-align: center;


If my understanding is correct you simply want to move the beachflag/Rover marker from it's initial position to each waypoint added by clicking on the map then perhaps the following simplified piece of code might help?如果我的理解是正确的,您只是想将 beachflag/Rover 标记从它的初始 position 移动到通过单击 map 添加的每个航路点,那么以下简化的代码段可能会有所帮助? The markers are moved with the timing function setInterval rather than setTimeout otherwise you would need some form of recursion to move to the next item in waypoints array.标记的移动时间为 function setInterval而不是setTimeout ,否则您将需要某种形式的递归才能移动到航点数组中的下一项。

If the aim is to simulate driving etc in pseudo realtime along a route calculated by Google's Directions API then the following could be used as a basis but the codebase needed would be substantially more complicated.如果目标是沿着 Google 的 Directions API 计算出的路线伪实时模拟驾驶等,则可以使用以下内容作为基础,但所需的代码库会复杂得多。

<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
        <meta charset='utf-8' />
        <title>Google Maps: Follow the Rover til it's over!</title>

            @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Coda');
            body {
              background: rgb(0, 0, 0);
              background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 71%, rgba(168, 167, 0, 1) 100%, rgba(204, 209, 0, 1) 100%);
              margin: 0;
              padding: 0;
              height: 150vh;
              width: 100%
            h1 {
              font-family: Coda, cursive;
              font-style: italic;
              text-align: center;
              font-size: 35px;
              letter-spacing: 4px;
              word-spacing: 3px;
              color: rgb(247, 255, 0);
            h2 {
              font-family: Coda, cursive;
              font-style: italic;
              text-align: center;
              letter-spacing: 4px;
              word-spacing: 3px;
              color: rgb(247, 255, 0);
            .container1 {
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: column;
              height: 100%;
            #map {
              flex: 6;
            .container2 {
              flex: 3;
              padding-bottom: 1%;
            .container3 {
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: row;
              justify-content: space-around;
            .containerPulsanti1 {
              padding: 10px;
              flex: 1;
            .containerPulsanti2 {
              padding: 10px;
              margin: 10px;
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: row;
              justify-content: space-evenly;
              align-items: center;
            .pulsante {
              cursor: pointer;
              color: #ffffff;
              font-family: Arial;
              font-size: 17px;
              padding: 10px 25px;
              text-decoration: none;
            .containerPulsanti2 {
              position: relative;
              top: 1px;
            #start {
              box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #3dc21b;
              background-color: #44c767;
              border-radius: 28px;
              border: 1px solid #18ab29;
            #start:hover {
              background-color: #5cbf2a;
            #start:active {
              background-color: #055509;
            #stop {
              box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px red;
              background-color: red;
              border-radius: 28px;
              border: 1px solid red;
            #stop:hover {
              background-color: #f16161;
            #stop:active {
              background-color: #890303;
            #removeMarker {
              color: #000000;
              box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px yellow;
              background-color: yellow;
              border-radius: 28px;
              border: 1px solid yellow;
            #removeMarker:hover {
              background-color: #fcf288;
            #removeMarker:active {
              background-color: #7b7100;
            #confermaTappa {
              color: #000000;
              box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px yellow;
              background-color: yellow;
              border-radius: 28px;
              border: 1px solid yellow;
            #confermaTappa:hover {
              background-color: #fcf288;
            #confermaTappa:active {
              background-color: #7b7100;
            .coordinateGeo {
              padding: 5px;
              font-size: 16px;
              border-width: 2px;
              border-color: #fffb09;
              background-color: black;
              color: #ffffff;
              border-style: solid;
              border-radius: 10px;
              margin-top: 1vh;
            #coordinate {
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: column;
              text-align: center;
            .coordinateLong {
              margin-top: 2vh;
              font-family: verdana;
              text-align: center;
              font-size: 20px;
              color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
            .coordinateLat {
              margin-top: 2vh;
              font-family: verdana;
              text-align: center;
              font-size: 20px;
              color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
            #latitudine {
              text-align: center;
            #longitudine {
              text-align: center;
            const _DELAY=1;
            const $obj=(id)=>document.getElementById(id);
            function initMap() {
                var waypoints = [];
                let myLatLng = {
                    lat: 44.525961,
                    lng: 15.255119
                const map = new google.maps.Map( $obj('map'), {
                    zoom: 4,
                    center: myLatLng

                var markerRover = new google.maps.Marker({
                    position: myLatLng,
                    map: map,

                let latitudine = $obj('latitudine').value = markerRover.position.lat();
                let longitudine = $obj('longitudine').value = markerRover.position.lng();


                const placeMarker=(e)=>{
                    waypoints.push( new google.maps.Marker({
                        position: e.latLng,
                        map: map

                const spostaRover=()=>{
                    console.groupCollapsed('Rover Activated')
                    let i=0;
                    let tx=setInterval(()=>{
                        if( i >= waypoints.length ){
                            clearInterval( tx );
                            return true;
                        markerRover.setPosition( waypoints[i].position );
                        console.log( i, markerRover.getPosition() )
                    }, _DELAY * 1000 );
                map.addListener('click', placeMarker );
        <div class='container1'>
            <div id='map'></div>

            <div class='containerPulsanti1'>
                <div class='containerPulsanti2'>
                    <button class='pulsante' id='removeMarker' type='button'>REMOVE</button>
                    <button class='pulsante' id='stop' type='button'>STOP</button>
                    <button class='pulsante' id='start' type='button'>START</button>
                    <button class='pulsante' id='confermaTappa' type='button'>CONFIRM</button>

            <div class='container2'>
                <div class='container3'>
                    <div class='containerCoordinate'>
                        <h2>Coordinate rover</h2>
                        <div id='coordinate'>
                            <label for='coordinate' class='coordinateLat'> Latitudine</label>
                            <input type='text' class='coordinateGeo' id='latitudine' name='latitudine' disabled>
                            <label for='coordinate' class='coordinateLong'> Longitudine</label>
                            <input type='text' class='coordinateGeo' id='longitudine' name='longitudine' disabled>
                    <div class='containerTable'>
                        <h2>Coordinate tappe Rover</h2>
                        <label for='coordTry'></label>
                        <textarea id='coordTry' name='story' rows='10' cols='45'></textarea>
        <script async defer src='//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSy...........8.....Acp............E5G04tA&callback=initMap&libraries=drawing'></script>

Proof of concept Fiddle概念证明小提琴

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