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为 AAB 上传选择加入 Google Play 应用签名会影响已经从 Play 商店安装 APK 的现有用户吗?

[英]Will opting in for Google Play App signing for AAB upload affect existing users who have already installed APK from playstore?

As everyone is aware now Google has made it compulsory to upload AABs instead of APKs.众所周知,谷歌现在强制要求上传 AAB 而不是 APK。 I have an app in play store that has a huge user base who have installed the older version and we haven't opted for Google Play App Signing from the beginning and now as we are forced to upload the AABs and upload AABs we have to opt-in Google Play App Signing .我在 Play 商店中有一个应用程序,该应用程序拥有庞大的用户群,他们安装了旧版本,我们从一开始就没有选择Google Play 应用程序签名,现在我们被迫上传 AAB 并上传 AAB,我们不得不选择- 在Google Play 应用程序签名中。 As per my understanding, Google will sign its own certificate on top of my certificate.据我了解,谷歌将在我的证书之上签署自己的证书。 So I have the following questions for the community to clarify所以我有以下问题需要社区澄清

  1. Is there any impact on existing users getting updates after opting in Google Play App Signing ?选择Google Play App Signing后,现有用户获取更新是否有任何影响?
  2. Does the user have to uninstall and install the app to get it installed?用户是否必须卸载并安装该应用程序才能安装它?

Right now we can't test it on other apps as there is no option to upload APKs.目前我们无法在其他应用上测试它,因为没有上传 APK 的选项。

Opting in on Play Signing does not affect your users.选择加入 Play Signing 不会影响您的用户。 When you enroll an existing app, you effectively have to upload your private key to Google so that they can do the signing on your behalf, so end users will still receive APKs signed with the same key, and thus won't have to reinstall the app.当您注册一个现有的应用程序时,您实际上必须将您的私钥上传到 Google,以便他们可以代表您进行签名,因此最终用户仍会收到使用相同密钥签名的 APK,因此不必重新安装应用程序。


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