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如何将子集合添加到 firestore 中的子集合,反应应用程序

[英]How to add subcollection to a subcollection in firestore, react app

I create subcollection of budgets in collection of users like this:我在这样的用户集合中创建预算的子集合:

const addBudget = async (budget: Budget, userId: string) => {
  await addDoc(collection(db, 'users', userId, 'budgets'), { name: budget.name, max: budget.max });

The id of the budget is auto generated, but then I want to add another subcollection in budgets:预算的 ID 是自动生成的,但我想在预算中添加另一个子集合:

const addExpense = async (expense: Expense, userId: string) => {
  await addDoc(collection(db, 'users', userId, 'budgets', expense.budgetId /* auto generated id should be here here*/, 'expenses'), {
    description: expense.description,
    expenseValue: expense.expenseValue

This is my structure in firestore, but it doesnt work right now, it creates new budget id of 1 and then creates subcollection of expenses:这是我在 firestore 中的结构,但它现在不起作用,它创建新的预算 ID 1,然后创建费用的子集合: 在此处输入图像描述

How can I add this subcollection of expenses other way?我怎样才能以其他方式添加这个费用子集合?

The addDoc function returns a DocumentReference . addDoc function返回一个DocumentReference So if you capture that, you can read its id and use that to create another subcollection under it.所以如果你捕获它,你可以读取它的id并使用它在它下面创建另一个子集合。

const budgetRef = await addDoc(collection(db, 'users', userId, 'budgets'), { name: budget.name, max: budget.max });
const budgetId = budgetRef.id;

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