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firestore 如何在写入前检查文档所有者?

[英]firestore how to check for the doc owner before write?

How do I check the document owner before allow for the user the create?在允许用户创建之前如何检查文档所有者? steps:脚步:

  1. the document is already created by the same owner.该文档已由同一所有者创建。
  2. after that the same owner will try to create property and value inside the doc.之后,同一所有者将尝试在文档中创建属性和值。

document.owner give me error when publishing. document.owner在发布时给我错误。

//only allow create in moviesCommentID/{document} when document is owned by the user
match /moviesCommentID/{document=**} {
    allow create: if request.auth != null && document.owner == request.auth.uid;

any help is greatly appreciated.任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

The document variable in your rules is a string with the document ID as its value.规则中的document变量是一个字符串,其值是文档 ID。

Firestore doesn't have any built-in concept of a document owner. Firestore 没有任何文档所有者的内置概念。 But if you have an owner field in the document's data, you can access that in your rules as resource.data.owner .但是如果您在文档数据中有一个owner字段,您可以在您的规则中以resource.data.owner的身份访问它。 Also check the Firebase documentation on data validation in security rules .另请参阅 Firebase 有关安全规则中数据验证的文档。

1- Creation 1- 创作

You need to have a field in the Firestore Document you are changing that stores the owner uid您需要在要更改的Firestore文档中有一个字段来存储所有者 uid

allow create: if request.auth != null && resource.data.ownerUid == request.auth.uid;

2- Update: 2-更新:

Use the same as for "create" (owner is actually the person logged), but also add something to say they cant change the owner to another user使用与“创建”相同的方法(所有者实际上是登录的人),但还要添加一些内容来说明他们不能将所有者更改为另一个用户

allow update: if request.resource.data.ownerUid== resource.data.ownerUid;

Note that request.resource variable contains the future state of the document请注意, request.resource变量包含文档的未来 state


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