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如何使用 shmget 或 ftok 检查共享 memory 是否存在?

[英]How to check if shared memory exists using shmget or ftok?

I am writting project in c using shared memory via shm functions.我正在通过 shm 函数使用共享 memory 在 c 中编写项目。 I want to try to "connect" to shared memory and check if it exists using shmget() function.我想尝试“连接”到共享 memory 并使用 shmget() function 检查它是否存在。

I tried a few flags with this function but failed to achieve expected result.我用这个 function 尝试了几个标志,但未能达到预期的结果。 I wonder if there is a way to see whether a shared memory already exists.我想知道是否有办法查看共享的 memory 是否已经存在。

The manual page spells this out rather explicitly. manual page相当明确地说明了这一点。

int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg);

If shmflg specifies both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL and a shared memory segment already exists for key, then shmget() fails with errno set to EEXIST .如果shmflg指定了IPC_CREATIPC_EXCL并且密钥的共享 memory 段已经存在,则shmget()失败, errno设置为EEXIST

And again, the flags:再一次,标志:


  • Create a new segment.创建一个新的细分市场。 If this flag is not used, then shmget() will find the segment associated with key and check to see if the user has permission to access the segment.如果不使用此标志,则shmget()将查找与key关联的段并检查用户是否有权访问该段。


  • This flag is used with IPC_CREAT to ensure that this call creates the segment.此标志与IPC_CREAT一起使用以确保此调用创建段。 If the segment already exists, the call fails.如果该段已存在,则调用失败。

Alternatively, if the flag IPC_CREAT is not specified, and no memory segment exists for the given key , then shmget fails and sets errno to ENOENT .或者,如果未指定标志IPC_CREAT ,并且给定key不存在 memory 段,则shmget失败并将errnoENOENT


  • No segment exists for the given key , and IPC_CREAT was not specified.给定不存在段,并且未指定IPC_CREAT

So you may want to try something along the lines of所以你可能想尝试一些类似的东西

errno = 0;

if (-1 == shmget(key, size, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) {
    if (EEXIST == errno) {
        /* shared memory already exists */


errno = 0;

if (-1 == shmget(key, size, 0)) {
    if (ENOENT == errno) {
        /* shared memory does not exist */

On the other hand, ftok(3) fails for the same reasons as stat(2) .另一方面, ftok(3)失败的原因与stat(2)相同。

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