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在 Arduino 上使用 SPI 接口的最大数据传输速度是多少?

[英]What is the maximum data transfer speed using SPI interface on Arduino?

What is the maximum data transfer speed using SPI interface on Arduino?在 Arduino 上使用 SPI 接口的最大数据传输速度是多少?

I have an Arduino Nano and I want to transfer data between it and a Raspberry Pico.我有一个 Arduino Nano,我想在它和 Raspberry Pico 之间传输数据。 I use SPI interface, and I want to know, what is the data speed limit (in bit per second).我使用 SPI 接口,我想知道数据速度限制是多少(以位/秒为单位)。

If you take a look into the Atmega328p datasheet, then there is:如果您查看 Atmega328p 数据表,则会发现:

  • F_OSC/2 in Master mode (with double speed SPI bit set), otherwise F_OSC/4 F_OSC/2 主模式(双速 SPI 位设置),否则 F_OSC/4
  • As a slave at best F_OSC/4充其量作为奴隶 F_OSC/4

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