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[英]How to style specific letters in string?

Let's assume that I receive a response from the API that contains a summary of the last matches of a given team.假设我收到来自API的回复,其中包含指定球队最近比赛的摘要。


I want it to be in my div in specific style.我希望它以特定的样式出现在我的 div 中。

L should be stylized, its background should be red (square shape) and W should have a green background . L 应该是程式化的,它的背景应该是红色(方形) ,W 应该有绿色背景 The entire statement should be minimally separated from each other.整个语句应尽量彼此分开。

User has the option to change the team to check its recent matches.用户可以选择更改球队以查看最近的比赛。

I'm using Vue.js我正在使用Vue.js

One quick solution with v-for : v-for一种快速解决方案:

 const mapColors = new Map([['W', 'green'], ['L', 'red'], ['D', 'yellow']]) const app = Vue.createApp({ data() { return { matches: [{team: 'team 1', games: 'LLWWWWLWDWDWLW'}, {team: 'team 2', games: 'WWWWLWDLLWWWDW'}] }; }, methods: { setColor(c) { return mapColors.get(c) } } }) app.mount('#demo')
 .green { background: limegreen; }.red { background: lightcoral; }.yellow { background: gold; }.games { width: 1.2em; display: inline-block; text-align: center; margin: .1em; }.match { margin-right: .5em; font-weight: 600; }
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script> <div id="demo"> <div v-for="(match, idx) in matches":key="idx"> <span class="match">{{ match.team }}</span> <span v-for="(game, i) in match.games":key="i"> <span class="games":class="setColor(game)"> {{ game }} </span> </span> </div> </div>

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