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是否可以跟踪中间件在 MS Identity/OpenID Connect 中执行的操作?

[英]Is it possible to trace what the middleware is doing in MS Identity/OpenID Connect?

I'm trying to understand how to to authenticate to login.microsoftonline.com in C#.我试图了解如何在 C# 中对 login.microsoftonline.com 进行身份验证。

I registered a test app on portal.azure.com, and used their "Quickstart" to auto-generate an example ASP.Net Core 3.1 project.我在 portal.azure.com 上注册了一个测试应用程序,并使用他们的“快速入门”自动生成一个示例 ASP.Net Core 3.1 项目。 I got these redirect URIs:我得到了这些重定向 URI:


The auto-generated, ASP.Net Core 3.1 project compiled and ran like a charm.自动生成的 ASP.Net Core 3.1 项目编译并运行得非常顺利。 I was able to authenticate.我能够进行身份验证。

Next, I tried copying/pasting from the auto-generated code into a separate, ASP.Net Core 5 project where I'm successfully using ASP.Net Core Identity to authenticate to a "local account" (an ASP.Net Core Identity database) and to Google (OAuth2 authentication, which is what I'm TRYING to accomplish with Microsoft!)接下来,我尝试将自动生成的代码复制/粘贴到一个单独的 ASP.Net Core 5 项目中,在该项目中我成功地使用 ASP.Net Core Identity 对“本地帐户”(ASP.Net Core Identity 数据库)进行身份验证) 和谷歌( OAuth2身份验证,这是我试图通过 Microsoft 完成的!)

It fails with this unhelpful message in the web browser:它在 web 浏览器中失败并显示此无用消息:

"Error loading external login information"

Q: How can I "trace" what the MS Identity and/or OpenID Connect middleware is doing "under the covers"?问:如何“跟踪”MS Identity 和/或 OpenID Connect 中间件“在幕后”正在做什么?

Q: Is there any way for me to enable "verbose logging"?问:有什么方法可以启用“详细日志记录”吗?

Here's the Startup.cs in the failing example:这是失败示例中的 Startup.cs:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authorization;
using Microsoft.Identity.Web;
using Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI;
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
            // MS Identity Store: This all works, independent of the OpenID Connect problem...
            services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
            services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)

            // Known-good "AzureId" copied from working example into appsettings.json

            services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
                var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
                options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) {


OK, I found at least one alternative:好的,我至少找到了一种选择:

  • I happen to be using the ASP.Net Core Identity Nuget packages (eg Microsoft.Identity.Web, etc.) in my project.我碰巧在我的项目中使用 ASP.Net Core Identity Nuget 包(例如 Microsoft.Identity.Web 等)。
  • They have built-in logging.他们有内置的日志记录。 All the stuff I'm looking for is available at the "Information" log level.我正在寻找的所有内容都可以在“信息”日志级别找到。
  • By default, this logging is ONLY visible if I run the program from the do.net CLI (vs. running with the IIS Express debugger in MSVS).默认情况下,此日志记录在我从 do.net CLI 运行程序时可见(与在 MSVS 中使用 IIS Express 调试器运行相比)。
  • Also needed to enable PII to see all the details I needed.还需要启用 PII 以查看我需要的所有详细信息。


"Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information",
      "Microsoft.IdentityModel": "Information"


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true;  // Enable PII logging

Example MS logging示例 MS 日志记录

dotnet run
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on: https://localhost:44321
info: Microsoft.IdentityModel.LoggingExtensions.IdentityLoggerAdapter[0]
      Microsoft.IdentityModel Version: Date 11/25/2022 20:10:10. PII logging is ON, do not use in production. See https://aka.ms/IdentityModel/PII for details.
      IDX10242: Security token: 'eyJ0eXA*dENQ' has a valid signature.
info: Microsoft.IdentityModel.LoggingExtensions.IdentityLoggerAdapter[0]
      IDX10239: Lifetime of the token is valid.
info: Microsoft.IdentityModel.LoggingExtensions.IdentityLoggerAdapter[0]
      IDX10234: Audience Validated.Audience: '4ec8e*9a'
info: Microsoft.IdentityModel.LoggingExtensions.IdentityLoggerAdapter[0]
      IDX10245: Creating claims identity from the validated token: '{"typ":"JWT","alg":"RS256","kid":"bW8*4"}.{"ver":"2.0","iss":"https://login.microsoftonline.com/91880*dad/v2.0","sub":"AAAA*LX_8","aud":"4ec8e482-8df2-4e90-bfec-4aafb846c99a","exp":1669493410,"iat":1669406710,"nbf":1669406710,"name":"***,"preferred_username":"***","oid":"00000...e3d","tid":"9188...ad","nonce":"6380*0.YjgzZ*U0","aio":"DXF*Lo$"}'.
info: Microsoft.IdentityModel.LoggingExtensions.IdentityLoggerAdapter[0]
      IDX10241: Security token validated. token: 'eyJ0e*ENQ'.

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