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强制异步代码同步运行 dart

[英]Force asynchronous code to run synchronously dart

I currently have a class that stores images after fetching images asynchronously over GRPC.我目前有一个 class,它在通过 GRPC 异步获取图像后存储图像。 There is an issue with the handling of events.事件处理存在问题。 The problem can be shown here:问题可以在这里显示:

import 'dart:async';

main() {
  IntStore intStore = IntStore();

  print("running getInt(A)");

  print("running getInt(A)");

  print("running getInt(B)");

  print("running getInt(A)");

  print("running getInt(C)");

  print("running getInt(D)");

class IntStore {
  final Map _store = <String, int>{};
  Future fetchInt(String intName) async {
    print("Fetching: $intName");
    await doSomeWorkAsynchronously(intName);

  Future<int> getInt(String intName) async {
    if (_store.containsKey(intName)) {
      print("Cached: $intName");
      return _store[intName];
    } else {
      await fetchInt(intName);
      return _store[intName];

  Future doSomeWorkAsynchronously(String intName) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
    _store[intName] = 3;
    print("Fetched: $intName");

which returns:返回:

running getInt(A)
Fetching: A
running getInt(A)
Fetching: A
running getInt(B)
Fetching: B
running getInt(A)
Fetching: A
running getInt(C)
Fetching: C
running getInt(D)
Fetching: D
Fetched: A
Fetched: A
Fetched: B
Fetched: A
Fetched: C
Fetched: D

The problem here is that the work in fetchInt is completed multiple times.这里的问题是 fetchInt 中的工作完成了多次。 This is quite inefficient.这是非常低效的。

I found Irn's answer in this question helpful.我发现 Irn 在这个问题中的回答很有帮助。 I implemented this to obtain:我实现了这个以获得:

import 'dart:async';

main() {
  IntStore intStore = IntStore();
  AsyncMutex mutex = AsyncMutex();

  print("running getInt(A)");
  mutex.run(() => intStore.getInt("A"));

  print("running getInt(A)");
  mutex.run(() => intStore.getInt("A"));

  print("running getInt(B)");
  mutex.run(() => intStore.getInt("B"));

  print("running getInt(A)");
  mutex.run(() => intStore.getInt("A"));

  print("running getInt(C)");
  mutex.run(() => intStore.getInt("C"));

  print("running getInt(D)");
  mutex.run(() => intStore.getInt("D"));

class IntStore {
  final Map _store = <String, int>{};

  Future fetchInt(String intName) async {
    print("Fetching: $intName");
    await doSomeWorkAsynchronously(intName);

  Future<int> getInt(String intName) async {
    if (_store.containsKey(intName)) {
      print("Cached: $intName");
      return _store[intName];
    } else {
      await fetchInt(intName);
      return _store[intName];

  Future doSomeWorkAsynchronously(String intName) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
    _store[intName] = 3;
    print("Fetched: $intName");

class AsyncMutex {
  Future _next = new Future.value(null);

  /// Request [operation] to be run exclusively.
  /// Waits for all previously requested operations to complete,
  /// then runs the operation and completes the returned future with the
  /// result.
  Future<T> run<T>(Future<T> operation()) {
    var completer = new Completer<T>();
    _next.whenComplete(() {
      completer.complete(new Future<T>.sync(operation));
    return _next = completer.future;

which returns返回

running getInt(A)
running getInt(A)
running getInt(B)
running getInt(A)
running getInt(C)
running getInt(D)
Fetching: A
Fetched: A
Cached: A
Fetching: B
Fetched: B
Cached: A
Fetching: C
Fetched: C
Fetching: D
Fetched: D

where the problem here is that each fetchInt call, while may be necessary, will block each other.这里的问题是每个 fetchInt 调用虽然可能是必要的,但会相互阻塞。 This is more inefficient than before.这比以前更没有效率。 I modified the implementation to be more efficient:我修改了实现以提高效率:

import 'dart:async';

main() {
  IntStore intStore = IntStore();

  print("running getInt(A)");

  print("running getInt(A)");

  print("running getInt(B)");

  print("running getInt(A)");

  print("running getInt(C)");

  print("running getInt(D)");

class IntStore {
  final Map _store = <String, int>{};
  final Map _mutexStore = <String, AsyncMutex>{};

  Future<void> fetchInt(String intName) async {
    if (!_store.containsKey(intName)) {
      print("Fetching: $intName");
      await doSomeWorkAsynchronously(intName);

  Future<int> getInt(String intName) async {
    if (_mutexStore.containsKey(intName)) {
      print("Mutex already here: $intName");
      await _mutexStore[intName].run<void>(() => fetchInt(intName));
    } else {
      print("Creating Mutex: $intName");
      _mutexStore[intName] = AsyncMutex();
      await _mutexStore[intName].run<void>(() => fetchInt(intName));
    print("Passing: $intName");
    return _store[intName];

  Future doSomeWorkAsynchronously(String intName) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
    _store[intName] = 3;
    print("Fetched: $intName");

class AsyncMutex {
  Future _next = new Future.value(null);

  /// Request [operation] to be run exclusively.
  /// Waits for all previously requested operations to complete,
  /// then runs the operation and completes the returned future with the
  /// result.
  Future<T> run<T>(Future<T> operation()) {
    var completer = new Completer<T>();
    _next.whenComplete(() {
      completer.complete(new Future<T>.sync(operation));
    return _next = completer.future;

which returns返回

running getInt(A)
Creating Mutex: A
running getInt(A)
Mutex already here: A
running getInt(B)
Creating Mutex: B
running getInt(A)
Mutex already here: A
running getInt(C)
Creating Mutex: C
running getInt(D)
Creating Mutex: D
Fetching: A
Fetching: B
Fetching: C
Fetching: D
Fetched: A

And will therefore return each int as fast as possible, keeping concurrency between different calls, but blocking repeated calls for the same int.因此将尽可能快地返回每个 int,保持不同调用之间的并发性,但阻止对同一 int 的重复调用。

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