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如何在 C 中的 typedef 结构中创建指向缓冲区的指针?

[英]How to create a pointer to a buffer in a typedef struct in C?

I getting an incompatible-pointer-types error when trying to Initialize a typedef struct with a pointer to a char buffer.尝试使用指向 char 缓冲区的指针初始化 typedef 结构时出现不兼容指针类型错误。 The struct looks like this:该结构如下所示:

typedef struct otCryptoKey
    const uint8_t *mKey;       ///< Pointer to the buffer containing key. NULL indicates to use `mKeyRef`.
    uint16_t       mKeyLength; ///< The key length in bytes (applicable when `mKey` is not NULL).
    uint32_t       mKeyRef;    ///< The PSA key ref (requires `mKey` to be NULL).
} otCryptoKey;

This is what i have tried, and i also tried to initialize with all the parameters in the struct.这是我尝试过的,我还尝试使用结构中的所有参数进行初始化。

    uint8_t mKey[16] = "1234567891012131";
    uint8_t *mKeyPointer = mKey;

    otCryptoKey *aKey = {mKeyPointer};

Can anyone figure out why i get this error?谁能弄清楚为什么我会收到此错误?

You're creating a pointer to a otCryptoKey and attempting to initialize it with a pointer to uint8_t .您正在创建指向otCryptoKey的指针并尝试使用指向uint8_t的指针对其进行初始化。 Those types are not compatible.这些类型不兼容。

What you want is to create an otCryptoKey object and initialize the mKey member with that pointer.您想要的是创建一个otCryptoKey object 并使用该指针初始化mKey成员。

otCryptoKey aKey = {mKey, sizeof mKey, 0};

That syntax initializes a struct, not a pointer to a struct.该语法初始化结构,而不是指向结构的指针。

You should instead do: otCryptoKey aKey = {mKeyPointer};你应该改为: otCryptoKey aKey = {mKeyPointer};

Or better yet, use named fields and lose the intermediate variable: otCryptoKey aKey = {.mKey = mKey };或者更好的是,使用命名字段并丢失中间变量: otCryptoKey aKey = {.mKey = mKey };

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