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将 Excel 中的两个范围相乘得到一个数组结果

[英]Multiply two ranges in Excel to get an array result

Excel 365 allows to multiply ranges to get an array as a result. Excel 365 允许将范围相乘得到一个数组作为结果。


# # A一种 B C C
1 1个 1 1个 0 0 1 1个
2 2个 0 0 1 1个 1 1个

Entering in A3 = A1:C1 * A2:C2输入 A3 = A1:C1 * A2:C2

will evaluate to {1,0,1} * {0,1,1}将评估为{1,0,1} * {0,1,1}

and return an array {0,0,1} spilling in A3:C3并返回在A3:C3中溢出的数组{0,0,1}

# # A一种 B C C
3 3个 0 0 0 0 1 1个

This operation can also be used in formulas, especially useful in FILTER() , SUMPRODUCT() etc.此操作也可用于公式,尤其适用于FILTER()SUMPRODUCT()等。

Is there a formula in Excel 365 that can take as arguments an arbitrary number of 1-D ranges, multiply them, and return a 1-D array in the same way as above? Excel 365 中是否有一个公式可以将任意数量的一维范围作为 arguments,将它们相乘,并以与上述相同的方式返回一维数组?

For what I found out so far, SUMPRODUCT() and MMULT() can return only a single value, not a 1-D array.到目前为止,我发现SUMPRODUCT()MMULT()只能返回一个值,而不是一维数组。

Alternatively, I can write a LAMBDA , but would like to avoid it, if there is a ready-made formula for it.或者,我可以写一个LAMBDA ,但如果有现成的公式,我想避免它。

I am not 100% what do you mean, I would assume you want to multiply all rows of the same column and return a row array with the result per column.我不是 100% 你是什么意思,我假设你想乘以同一列的所有行并返回一个行数组,每列的结果。 You can achieve it in cell E1 using the following formula:您可以使用以下公式在单元格E1中实现它:

=BYCOL(A1:C3, LAMBDA(col, PRODUCT(col)))

and here is the output:这是 output:

示例 excel 文件

If you have only positives numbers , then you can use MMULT , based on the following mathematical properties:如果您只有正数,则可以根据以下数学属性使用MMULT


Putting in excel terms using EXP/LN functions in our case it would be:在我们的例子中,使用EXP/LN函数输入 excel 项将是:


or using LET to avoid repetitions:或者使用LET来避免重复:

=LET(rng, A1:C3, rows, ROW(rng), u, TOROW(rows/rows), EXP(MMULT(u, LN(rng))))

You get the same result.你得到相同的结果。

Note : rows/rows just returns the unit vector with the same number of rows as A1:C3 .注意rows/rows只返回与A1:C3行数相同的单位向量。

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