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Docker | 无法使用前端 dockerfile.v0 解决:无法创建 LLB 定义:rpc 错误:code = Unknown desc

[英]Docker | failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: rpc error: code = Unknown desc

I have been trying to build image in docket but this error occured.我一直在尝试在摘要中构建图像,但发生了此错误。

failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: no usernames for https://index.docker.io/v1/``无法解决前端 dockerfile.v0:无法创建 LLB 定义:rpc 错误:code = Unknown desc = 获取凭证时出错 - 错误:退出状态 1,输出: error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out:没有用户名https://index.docker.io/v1/`` 码头工人错误

I searched on stackoverflow and here is potential reason, that docker desktop running on linux container and the image is build from windows image.我在 stackoverflow 上搜索,这是潜在的原因,docker 桌面运行在 linux 容器上,图像是从 windows 图像构建的。

Now, about my P.C:现在,关于我的 P.C:

  • Main OS is Windows 10.主操作系统是 Windows 10。
  • I use VM to open ubuntu.我用VM打开ubuntu。
  • I use ubuntu to write my code.我使用 ubuntu 来编写我的代码。
  • I previously downloaded docker on windows, than on ubuntu.我之前在windows上下载了docker,比在ubuntu上下载了。
  • docker wasn't working on both OS becouse virtualization wasn't enabled on my machine. docker 不能在两个操作系统上运行,因为我的机器上没有启用虚拟化。

Now i'm working in Ubuntu, what is the solution to my problem?现在我在 Ubuntu 工作,我的问题有什么解决方案?

If the problem is really building my image from windows, how can I build it from ubuntu instead?如果问题真的是从 windows 构建我的图像,我该如何从 ubuntu 构建它呢?

I have tried to solve this problem..我试图解决这个问题..

Expecting this error to go and build my dockerfile.将此错误预期为 go 并构建我的 dockerfile。

I searched for a while on this one.我在这个上搜索了一段时间。 Docker gets in a muddle with your credentials. Docker 弄乱了您的凭据。 This following worked for me.以下内容对我有用。 Make sure you are logged in on docker desktop then:确保您已登录 docker 桌面,然后:

rm ~/.docker/config.json

Then do docker login to refresh the credentials然后执行docker login以刷新凭据


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