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从 Django/Python API 响应自定义非简单 object 到前面

[英]Responding with a custom non simple object from a Django/Python API to the front

I'm a newbie building APIs with django/python我是使用 django/python 构建 API 的新手

I built a dictionary object (it has lists inside other lists in it), and I want to send it to the front through one of the responses: JsonResponse, HttpResponse, etc.我建立了一个字典 object(它在其他列表中有列表),我想通过响应之一将它发送到前面:JsonResponse、HttpResponse 等。

What could be the way to do it?有什么办法可以做到这一点?

I tried with several of them without a good response, I whether get an error, or a bad response我尝试了其中的几个但没有得到很好的回应,我是否得到了错误或不好的回应

Thanks in advance提前致谢


I got it我知道了

Just assume that you will send an array of objects, and the front end should access the first object it finds假设你将发送一个对象数组,前端应该访问它找到的第一个 object

    myResponse = []
    return HttpResponse(myResponse, status=200) // status is optional

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