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Logstash Grok 正则表达式单独运行良好,但与其他 grok 表达式组合时不起作用

[英]Logstash Grok regex expression works fine alone but doesn't work when grouped with other grok expressions

My grok expression works fine when used with the matching string alone but when I use this grok expression with other grok expressions to capture other data that's also present in the log line, it doesn't match with the same matching string.当单独与匹配字符串一起使用时,我的 grok 表达式工作正常,但是当我将此 grok 表达式与其他 grok 表达式一起使用以捕获日志行中也存在的其他数据时,它与相同的匹配字符串不匹配。

Case1: Below grok expression is working fine when running alone for the below log string and the value is captured in the field targetMessage案例 1:下面的 grok 表达式在针对下面的日志字符串单独运行时工作正常,并且值在字段targetMessage中捕获

Log string: Tracking: sent request to msgDestination Grok expression: (?<targetMessage>^Tracking: (?:received response from|sent request to) msgDestination$)日志字符串: Tracking: sent request to msgDestination Grok 表达式: (?<targetMessage>^Tracking: (?:received response from|sent request to) msgDestination$)

Case2: When I try to run the expression with other some other data also present in the log string it doesn't work ie grok expression doesn't match with the same string as used above.案例 2:当我尝试使用日志字符串中也存在的其他一些其他数据运行表达式时,它不起作用,即 grok 表达式与上面使用的相同字符串不匹配。

Log string: 2022-11-26 8:16:39,873 INFO [task.SomeTask] Tracking: sent request to msgDestination: MODULE1|SERVICE1|20220330051054|TASK1日志字符串: 2022-11-26 8:16:39,873 INFO [task.SomeTask] Tracking: sent request to msgDestination: MODULE1|SERVICE1|20220330051054|TASK1

Grok expression: %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} \[(?<classname>[^\]]+)\] (?<targetMessage>^Tracking: (?:received response from|sent request to) msgDestination$): %{WORD:moduleName}\|%{WORD:service}\|%{INT:requestId}\|%{WORD:taskName} Grok 表达式: %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} \[(?<classname>[^\]]+)\] (?<targetMessage>^Tracking: (?:received response from|sent request to) msgDestination$): %{WORD:moduleName}\|%{WORD:service}\|%{INT:requestId}\|%{WORD:taskName}

Debug tool used: https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/使用的调试工具: https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/

If anyone can please suggest what mistake I'm making here?如果有人可以建议我在这里犯了什么错误?

^ and $ anchor an expression to the start and end of a line respectively. ^ 和 $ 分别将表达式锚定到的开头和结尾。 You have both inside the targetMessage custom pattern, and that is in the middle of the line, so neither one matches.您在 targetMessage 自定义模式中同时拥有这两个模式,并且位于该行的中间,因此两者都不匹配。 Remove both ^ and $删除 ^ 和 $

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