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如何使用 Javascript 和 JSON 生成 HTML 代码?

[英]How to generate HTML code using Javascript and JSON?

I need to create a quiz by parsing a JSON file.我需要通过解析 JSON 文件来创建测验。 The checked answers must be stored in the local storage.检查的答案必须存储在本地存储中。

The JSON code: JSON代码:

    "quiz": {
        "q1": {
            "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?",
            "options": [
                "New York Bulls",
                "Los Angeles Kings",
                "Golden State Warriros",
                "Huston Rocket"
            "answer": "Huston Rocket"
        "q2": {
            "question": "'Namaste' is a traditional greeting in which Asian language?",
            "options": [
            "answer": "Hindi"
        "q3": {
            "question": "The Spree river flows through which major European capital city?",
            "options": [
            "answer": "Berlin"
        "q4": {
            "question": "Which famous artist had both a 'Rose Period' and a 'Blue Period'?",
            "options": [
                "Pablo Picasso",
                "Vincent van Gogh",
                "Salvador Dalí",
                "Edgar Degas"
            "answer": "Pablo Picasso"

The code is below:代码如下:

<div id="container"></div>
    <input type ="submit" name ="submit" value = "Submit answers" onclick = "results()">
        let data = {"quiz": {"q1": {"question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?", "options": ["New York Bulls", "Los Angeles Kings", "Golden State Warriros", "Huston Rocket"], "answer": "Huston Rocket"}, "q2": {"question": "'Namaste' is a traditional greeting in which Asian language?", "options": ["Hindi", "Mandarin", "Nepalese", "Thai"], "answer": "Hindi"}, "q3": {"question": "The Spree river flows through which major European capital city?", "options": ["Berlin", "Paris", "Rome", "London"], "answer": "Berlin"}, "q4": {"question": "Which famous artist had both a 'Rose Period' and a 'Blue Period'?", "options": ["Pablo Picasso", "Vincent van Gogh", "Salvador Daly", "Edgar Degas"], "answer": "Pablo Picasso"}}};
        let list = document.createElement("ul");
        for (let questionId in data["quiz"]) {
            let item = document.createElement("node");
            let question = document.createElement("strong");
            question.innerHTML = questionId + ": " + data["quiz"][questionId]["question"];
            let sublist = document.createElement("ul");
            for (let option of data["quiz"][questionId]["options"]) {
                item = document.createElement("input");
                item.type = "radio";
                item.name = data["quiz"][questionId];
                var label = document.createElement("label");
                label.htmlFor = "options";
                var br = document.createElement('br');
        function results () {
            var score = 0;
            if (data["quiz"][questionId]["answer"].checked) {

I should get this:我应该得到这个:

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

Instead I got this, no matter how many times I rewrite the code:相反,无论我重写代码多少次,我都得到了这个:

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

Whay am I doing wrong?我为什么做错了?

Thank you very much for your help,非常感谢您的帮助,


You have a small error with document.createElement("node") - there is no tag node so appending other elements to that is also incorrect. document.createElement("node")有一个小错误 - 没有标记node ,因此向其附加其他元素也是不正确的。 The code could be simplified though as below ( the add to local storage will throw an error in the snippet though )代码可以简化如下(尽管添加到本地存储会在代码片段中引发错误)

 let data = { "quiz": { "q1": { "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?", "options": ["New York Bulls", "Los Angeles Kings", "Golden State Warriros", "Huston Rocket"], "answer": "Huston Rocket" }, "q2": { "question": "'Namaste' is a traditional greeting in which Asian language?", "options": ["Hindi", "Mandarin", "Nepalese", "Thai"], "answer": "Hindi" }, "q3": { "question": "The Spree river flows through which major European capital city?", "options": ["Berlin", "Paris", "Rome", "London"], "answer": "Berlin" }, "q4": { "question": "Which famous artist had both a 'Rose Period' and a 'Blue Period'?", "options": ["Pablo Picasso", "Vincent van Gogh", "Salvador Daly", "Edgar Degas"], "answer": "Pablo Picasso" } } }; // utility prototype to shuffle an array Array.prototype.shuffle=()=>{ let i = this.length; while (i > 0) { let n = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); i--; let t = this[i]; this[i] = this[n]; this[n] = t; } return this; }; let list = document.createElement("ul"); Object.keys(data.quiz).forEach((q, index) => { // the individual record let obj = data.quiz[q]; // add the `li` item & set the question number as data-attribute let question = document.createElement("li"); question.textContent = obj.question; question.dataset.question = index + 1; question.id = q; // randomise the answers obj.options.shuffle(); // Process all the answers - add new radio & label Object.keys(obj.options).forEach(key => { let option = obj.options[key]; let label = document.createElement('label'); label.dataset.text = option; let cbox = document.createElement('input'); cbox.type = 'radio'; cbox.name = q; cbox.value = option; // add the new items label.appendChild(cbox); question.appendChild(label); }); // add the question list.appendChild(question); }); // add the list to the DOM document.getElementById('container').appendChild(list); // Process the checked radio buttons to determine score. document.querySelector('input[type="button"]').addEventListener('click', e => { let score = 0; let keys = Object.keys(data.quiz); document.querySelectorAll('[type="radio"]:checked').forEach((radio, index) => { if( radio.value === data.quiz[ keys[index] ].answer ) score++; }); console.log('%d/%d', score, keys.length); localStorage.setItem("answers", score); })
 #container>ul>li { font-weight: bold } #container>ul>li>label { display: block; padding: 0.1rem; font-weight: normal; } #container>ul>li>label:after { content: attr(data-text); } #container>ul>li:before { content: 'Question 'attr(data-question)': '; color: blue }
 <div id="container"></div> <input type="button" value="Submit answers" />

You need to make minor changes to your nest loop so that the option labels are inserted in the correct location.您需要对嵌套循环进行细微更改,以便将选项标签插入正确的位置。 See the code snippet where it is marked "remove" and "add" for the changes you need to make.查看标记为“删除”和“添加”的代码片段,了解您需要进行的更改。

As @ProfessorAbronsius noted, there isn't an html tag called "node", though that won't stop your code from working.正如@ProfessorAbronsius 指出的那样,没有名为“节点”的 html 标签,尽管这不会阻止您的代码正常工作。

 let data = {"quiz": {"q1": {"question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?", "options": ["New York Bulls", "Los Angeles Kings", "Golden State Warriros", "Huston Rocket"], "answer": "Huston Rocket"}, "q2": {"question": "'Namaste' is a traditional greeting in which Asian language?", "options": ["Hindi", "Mandarin", "Nepalese", "Thai"], "answer": "Hindi"}, "q3": {"question": "The Spree river flows through which major European capital city?", "options": ["Berlin", "Paris", "Rome", "London"], "answer": "Berlin"}, "q4": {"question": "Which famous artist had both a 'Rose Period' and a 'Blue Period'?", "options": ["Pablo Picasso", "Vincent van Gogh", "Salvador Daly", "Edgar Degas"], "answer": "Pablo Picasso"}}}; let list = document.createElement("ul"); for (let questionId in data["quiz"]) { let item = document.createElement("node"); let question = document.createElement("strong"); question.innerHTML = questionId + ": " + data["quiz"][questionId]["question"]; item.appendChild(question); list.appendChild(item); let sublist = document.createElement("ul"); item.appendChild(sublist); // The problem is here in this nested loop for (let option of data["quiz"][questionId]["options"]) { item = document.createElement("input"); item.type = "radio"; item.name = data["quiz"][questionId]; var label = document.createElement("label"); label.htmlFor = "options"; // remove 1 // label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data["quiz"][questionId]["options"])); // add 1 label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(option)); var br = document.createElement('br'); sublist.appendChild(item); // remove 2 //document.getElementById("container").appendChild(label); //document.getElementById("container").appendChild(br); // add 2 sublist.appendChild(label); sublist.appendChild(br); } } document.getElementById("container").appendChild(list); function results() { var score = 0; if (data["quiz"][questionId]["answer"].checked) { score++; } } // Removed because snippets don't allow localStorage // localStorage.setItem("answers", "score");
 <div id="container"></div> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit answers" onclick="results()">

Here's the answer to your question.这是您问题的答案。 Please let me know if you have any issues.如果您有任何问题,请告诉我。

 <div id="container"></div> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit answers" onclick="results()"> <script> let data = { "quiz": { "q1": { "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?", "options": ["New York Bulls", "Los Angeles Kings", "Golden State Warriros", "Huston Rocket"], "answer": "Huston Rocket" }, "q2": { "question": "'Namaste' is a traditional greeting in which Asian language?", "options": ["Hindi", "Mandarin", "Nepalese", "Thai"], "answer": "Hindi" }, "q3": { "question": "The Spree river flows through which major European capital city?", "options": ["Berlin", "Paris", "Rome", "London"], "answer": "Berlin" }, "q4": { "question": "Which famous artist had both a 'Rose Period' and a 'Blue Period'?", "options": ["Pablo Picasso", "Vincent van Gogh", "Salvador Daly", "Edgar Degas"], "answer": "Pablo Picasso" } } }; data = data.quiz; let list = document.createElement("ul"); for (let questionId in data) { let item = document.createElement("node"); let question = document.createElement("strong"); let i = Object.keys(data).indexOf(questionId) + 1; question.innerHTML = "Question" + i + ": " + questionId["question"]; item.appendChild(question); list.appendChild(item); let sublist = document.createElement("ul"); item.appendChild(sublist); for (let option of data[questionId]["options"]) { item = document.createElement("input"); item.type = "radio"; item.name = questionId; var label = document.createElement("label"); label.htmlFor = option; label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(option)); var br = document.createElement('br'); sublist.appendChild(item); sublist.appendChild(label); sublist.appendChild(br); } } document.getElementById("container").appendChild(list); function results() { var score = 0; if (data[questionId]["answer"].checked) { score++; } } //localStorage.setItem("answers", "score"); </script>

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