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这种从 vb.net 中的 function 返回多个值的技术的名称是什么?

[英]What is the name of this technique of returning multiple values from a function in vb.net?

Protected Function ammountChanges(order As BasicSimpleOrder, createOrDelete As Boolean) As (change As Decimal, currency As String)

End Function

I sort of know that it's possible and I want to learn more about it.我知道这是可能的,我想了解更多。

However, if I search in google for但是,如果我在谷歌搜索

function returning multiple values vb.net

for example,例如,

or in stackoverflow或者在计算器中

no body is mentioning that technique.没有人提到这种技术。

Even if I search for即使我寻找

function returning multiple values through anonymous type 

people are still using different techniques.人们仍在使用不同的技术。

Now I think it's a new feature.现在我认为这是一个新功能。

Basically, you "can't" really return multiple values.基本上,您“不能”真正返回多个值。 You can return a class or a struct and that class or struct can contain multiple values.您可以返回 class 或结构,而 class 或结构可以包含多个值。

However, recent vb.net improvement allow a convenient way to allow an anonymous type as return values.然而,最近的 vb.net 改进提供了一种方便的方法来允许匿名类型作为返回值。

However, I cannot find any reference to that method anywhere on the.net.但是,我在 .net 上的任何地方都找不到对该方法的任何引用。 Not easily.不容易。 Not with the keyword I found.不是我找到的关键字。

So where is it, and what should I search in google to learn more about this feature.那么它在哪里,我应该在谷歌搜索什么来了解更多关于这个功能的信息。

It's Tuples introduced in Visual Basic 15 / Visual Studio 2017 .它是Visual Basic 15 / Visual Studio 2017中引入的元组

See the section: Tuples as method return values where it mentions (with code examples):请参阅部分: Tuples as method return values其中提到(带有代码示例):

A method can return only a single value.一个方法只能返回一个值。 Frequently, though, you'd like a method call to return multiple values.但是,您经常希望方法调用返回多个值。 There are several ways to work around this limitation:有几种方法可以解决此限制:

  • You can create a custom class or structure whose properties or fields represent values returned by the method.您可以创建自定义 class 或结构,其属性或字段表示该方法返回的值。 This is a heavyweight solution;这是一个重量级的解决方案; it requires that you define a custom type whose only purpose is to retrieve values from a method call.它要求您定义一个自定义类型,其唯一目的是从方法调用中检索值。

  • You can return a single value from the method, and return the remaining values by passing them by reference to the method.您可以从该方法返回单个值,并通过引用传递给该方法来返回其余值。 This involves the overhead of instantiating a variable and risks inadvertently overwriting the value of the variable that you pass by reference.这涉及实例化变量的开销,并且有无意中覆盖通过引用传递的变量值的风险。

  • You can use a tuple , which provides a lightweight solution to retrieving multiple return values .您可以使用元组,它提供了一种轻量级的解决方案检索多个返回值

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