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没有前端经验或用户无法访问 AWS 帐户的用户能否将文件上传到 S3 存储桶?

[英]Can users upload files into a S3 bucket without frontend experience or users having access to AWS account?

I am looking to create an AWS solution where a lambda function will transform some excel data from a S3 bucket.我希望创建一个 AWS 解决方案,其中 lambda function 将从 S3 存储桶转换一些 excel 数据。 When thinking about how I'm going to create the architecture background, I need to think of a way where I can get non-technical users, which don't have access to the AWS account, to upload data into a S3 bucket.在考虑如何创建架构背景时,我需要考虑一种方法,让无法访问 AWS 帐户的非技术用户将数据上传到 S3 存储桶中。 One possible solution is using an S3 API and creating a UI to allow the users to upload the data.一种可能的解决方案是使用 S3 API 并创建一个 UI 以允许用户上传数据。 However, I do not have much experience with front end programming skills such as JS and HTML. Are there any other possible solutions we can use?但是,我对JS和HTML等前端编程技能经验不多。有没有其他可行的解决方案?

I've thought about creating a simple UI and using a S3 API to ingest data into the bucket but I do not have front end programming experience.我考虑过创建一个简单的 UI 并使用 S3 API 将数据提取到存储桶中,但我没有前端编程经验。

Some ideas:一些想法:

The main thing to think about is how you want to secure the upload .要考虑的主要事情是您要如何保护上传 For example, do they need to authenticate first, or do you want anyone in the world to be able to upload to the bucket (not a good idea.), Should each user have their own IAM User credentials?例如,他们是否需要先进行身份验证,或者您是否希望世界上任何人都能够上传到存储桶(这不是一个好主意。),每个用户是否应该拥有自己的 IAM 用户凭据? or should they authenticate to an application that manages its own logins?或者他们应该向管理自己登录的应用程序进行身份验证?

Also, have a think about what you want to happen after they upload the file.另外,考虑一下他们上传文件您希望发生什么。 If they need to download something after the file has been processed, then you'll need a way to 'give back' the new file .如果他们需要在文件处理后下载一些东西,那么您将需要一种方法来“返回”新文件


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