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如何重置/恢复 git 重置 HEAD~

[英]How do reset/revert a git reset HEAD~

By mistake I did a git reset HEAD~ in my branch.我错误地在我的分支中做了一个git reset HEAD~ I see all my changed files on my local.我在本地看到了所有更改的文件。 I don't want to change anything.我不想改变任何事。 The branch is good as is.分支机构很好。

What do I have to do?我需要做什么?

  1. If you haven't done anything else, just do this command git reset --hard HEAD@{1} .如果您没有做任何其他事情,只需执行此命令git reset --hard HEAD@{1} If you've made other changes, do git reflog show to see which commit you want to revert back to.如果您进行了其他更改,请执行git reflog show以查看要还原到哪个提交。 Then do git reset --hard XXX and put that commit ID in the XXX part.然后执行git reset --hard XXX并将该提交 ID 放入 XXX 部分。

  2. You then git push --force to make sure your remote branch reflects the change.然后您git push --force以确保您的远程分支反映更改。

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