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将 AWS S3 数据添加到现有 Android 应用程序的最佳方法是什么 - AWSJDK、Amplify 或没有 Amplify 框架的 AWS Android JDK?

[英]What is best way to add AWS S3 data gets to an existing Android app - AWSJDK, Amplify, or AWS Android JDK without Amplify framework?

I have a large, old, complex Android app.我有一个大型的、旧的、复杂的 Android 应用程序。 I need it to now be able to get data from some public S3 buckets.我现在需要它才能从一些公共 S3 存储桶中获取数据。

What is the best way?什么是最好的方法? I have tested the AWSSDK in standalone apps on my Mac and got my code working.我已经在我的 Mac 上的独立应用程序中测试了 AWSSDK,并使我的代码正常工作。 But, I don't know if it will work (especially async mode) in Android and if so, how to set up dependencies.但是,我不知道它是否可以在 Android 中工作(尤其是异步模式),如果可以,如何设置依赖项。 Also, is that the best way to go?另外,这是去 go 的最佳方式吗?

Amplify seems to be the Android tool for AWS, but it is focused on full stack development, and requires an AWS account. Amplify 好像是AWS的Android工具,但是专注于全栈开发,需要AWS账号。 Can I use it for this even though I have no production use for the account, and my app already exists?即使我没有用于该帐户的生产用途并且我的应用程序已经存在,我也可以将它用于此目的吗? Or can I use just its API without installing the Amplify framework and having an account.或者我可以只使用它的 API 而无需安装 Amplify 框架和拥有帐户。

As suggested by Mark B above, HTML is one way.正如上面 Mark B 所建议的,HTML 是一种方式。

The reference document is on their site - see below参考文件在他们的网站上——见下文

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