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通过 gsutils 设置缓存控制元数据不会更新响应标头

[英]Setting Cache-Control metadata via gsutils does not update response headers

When setting the cache-control metadata key via the gsutils command:通过 gsutils 命令设置缓存控制元数据键时:

gsutil -m setmeta -h "Cache-Control:public, max-age=14400" 'gs://my-bucket/style.css'

I verify that the metadata is updated correctly using another gsutils command:我使用另一个 gsutils 命令验证元数据是否已正确更新:

gsutil stat 'gs://my-bucket/style.css'

However, when accessing this object via curl --head the value is not update但是,当通过curl --head访问此 object 时,值未更新

content-type: text/css
age: 232
cache-control: public,max-age=3600

I am expecting for the max-age of the cache-control property to be set to the value specified in the gsutil command which is 14400.我期望将 cache-control 属性的 max-age 设置为 gsutil 命令中指定的值,即 14400。

I was not using the correct cache-mode on the bucket, solution was in updating the cache-mode to USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS.我没有在存储桶上使用正确的缓存模式,解决方案是将缓存模式更新为 USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS。 Thank you!谢谢!

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