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如何将彩虹线性渐变滤镜应用于 SVG?

[英]How do I apply a rainbow linear gradient filter to an SVG?

I have an SVG of a chair that has multiple paths grouped by a <g> tag.我有一把 SVG 的椅子,它有多个路径,由 <g> 标签分组。 The SVG is its own file and is linked to within the php file. SVG 是它自己的文件,并链接到 php 文件中。


<img src="svgs/logoChair.svg" alt="logo">

I'm trying to apply a filter over the top of the entire SVG to create one coherent rainbow.我试图在整个 SVG 的顶部应用一个过滤器来创建一个连贯的彩虹。 What I have right now is one rainbow per path.我现在拥有的是每条路径一条彩虹。 Originally, I used an online tool to convert an image into an SVG so most of this code is from the converter.最初,我使用在线工具将图像转换为 SVG,因此大部分代码来自转换器。

 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.0" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="47.24 11 155.66 150.66"> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"/> <stop offset="10%" stop-color="rgba(255, 154, 0, 1)"/> <stop offset="20%" stop-color="rgba(208, 222, 33, 1)"/> <stop offset="30%" stop-color="rgba(79, 220, 74, 1)"/> <stop offset="40%" stop-color="rgba(63, 218, 216, 1)"/> <stop offset="50%" stop-color="rgba(47, 201, 226, 1)"/> <stop offset="60%" stop-color="rgba(28, 127, 238, 1)"/> <stop offset="70%" stop-color="rgba(95, 21, 242, 1)"/> <stop offset="80%" stop-color="rgba(186, 12, 248, 1)"/> <stop offset="90%" stop-color="rgba(251, 7, 217, 1)"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"/> </linearGradient> </defs> <g fill="url(#gradient)" transform="translate(25.000000,130.000000) scale(0.05,-0.05)"> <path d="M622 2371 c-143 -49 -189 -196 -114 -367 30 -67 31 -73 21 -135 -9 -54 -7 -88 14 -222 14 -87 27 -160 28 -161 2 -2 60 -8 129 -14 94 -7 147 -18 213 -40 118 -41 162 -69 235 -146 l61 -66 126 0 125 0 0 41 c0 23 -12 93 -26 156 -14 63 -24 117 -21 119 2 2 38 0 80 -6 123 -15 233 -68 328 -157 l48 -44 -16 -52 c-21 -74 -24 -76 -85 -64 -37 8 -92 7 -188 -1 -74 -7 -192 -12 -261 -12 l-125 0 -43 -94 c-24 -52 -59 -113 -77 -135 -40 -46 -50 -39 86 -65 132 -26 153 -27 255 -16 104 11 339 61 510 109 94 26 100 29 103 55 6 46 -16 83 -62 106 -23 11 -47 20 -54 20 -21 0 -22 19 -1 67 43 98 43 89 -7 143 -26 28 -67 63 -92 80 -69 45 -221 91 -326 99 l-89 6 -27 86 c-16 48 -44 177 -65 288 -42 236 -54 279 -91 332 -26 37 -125 109 -151 109 -6 0 3 -22 22 -50 51 -75 58 -109 52 -229 -3 -58 -10 -118 -16 -134 l-11 -28 -152 3 -153 3 -6 150 c-6 154 -14 193 -52 233 -43 46 -67 52 -125 33z"/> <path d="M744 2360 c54 -48 68 -96 74 -252 l5 -138 142 0 142 0 11 83 c7 45 12 98 12 117 -1 48 -29 120 -67 175 l-33 45 -160 0 -161 0 35 -30z"/> <path d="M666 1450 c160 -11 277 -60 406 -171 51 -44 98 -63 98 -40 0 5 -30 36 -66 69 -53 50 -81 66 -152 92 -130 47 -197 60 -302 58 l-95 -1 111 -7z"/> <path d="M580 1429 c0 -13 44 -265 56 -321 l5 -26 42 24 c60 35 246 93 337 106 59 8 77 14 73 24 -9 24 -126 106 -199 140 -81 38 -127 50 -236 59 -63 6 -78 5 -78 -6z"/> <path d="M1002 1189 c-35 -4 -80 -13 -100 -20 -69 -21 -252 -102 -252 -110 0 -5 1 -9 3 -9 1 0 52 -7 112 -15 61 -8 147 -15 193 -15 l83 0 24 53 c12 29 28 70 33 90 12 42 17 41 -96 26z"/> <path d="M1111 1154 c-19 -77 -58 -143 -87 -150 -25 -6 -275 11 -324 23 -14 3 -22 3 -19 -1 14 -15 217 -67 282 -73 84 -7 93 0 152 117 60 119 62 130 32 130 -21 0 -26 -7 -36 -46z"/> </g> </svg>

I tried using fill but ended up with multiple rainbows.我尝试使用填充,但最终得到了多条彩虹。

You need to set gradientUnits to "userSpaceOnUse".您需要将gradientUnits设置为“userSpaceOnUse”。

This way the gradient will span across all path elements within the group.这样渐变将跨越组内的所有路径元素。
Since you also applied transformations you need to adjust this by transforming the gradient as well using gradientTransform attribute.由于您还应用了转换,因此您需要通过转换渐变以及使用gradientTransform属性来调整它。

Alternative: combine all <path> elements备选方案:组合所有<path>元素
By concatenating the d attributes of all paths you'll get a compound path.通过连接所有路径的d属性,您将获得一个复合路径。
The gradient won't be repeated as well - no need for adjusted gradient units.渐变也不会重复——不需要调整gradient单位。 (2nd example) (第二个例子)

 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.0" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="47.24 11 155.66 150.66"> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient" gradientTransform="scale(10) translate(40,130)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" > <stop offset="0%" stop-color="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"/> <stop offset="10%" stop-color="rgba(255, 154, 0, 1)"/> <stop offset="20%" stop-color="rgba(208, 222, 33, 1)"/> <stop offset="30%" stop-color="rgba(79, 220, 74, 1)"/> <stop offset="40%" stop-color="rgba(63, 218, 216, 1)"/> <stop offset="50%" stop-color="rgba(47, 201, 226, 1)"/> <stop offset="60%" stop-color="rgba(28, 127, 238, 1)"/> <stop offset="70%" stop-color="rgba(95, 21, 242, 1)"/> <stop offset="80%" stop-color="rgba(186, 12, 248, 1)"/> <stop offset="90%" stop-color="rgba(251, 7, 217, 1)"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"/> </linearGradient> </defs> <g fill="url(#gradient)" transform="translate(25,130) scale(0.05,-0.05)"> <path d="M622 2371 c-143 -49 -189 -196 -114 -367 30 -67 31 -73 21 -135 -9 -54 -7 -88 14 -222 14 -87 27 -160 28 -161 2 -2 60 -8 129 -14 94 -7 147 -18 213 -40 118 -41 162 -69 235 -146 l61 -66 126 0 125 0 0 41 c0 23 -12 93 -26 156 -14 63 -24 117 -21 119 2 2 38 0 80 -6 123 -15 233 -68 328 -157 l48 -44 -16 -52 c-21 -74 -24 -76 -85 -64 -37 8 -92 7 -188 -1 -74 -7 -192 -12 -261 -12 l-125 0 -43 -94 c-24 -52 -59 -113 -77 -135 -40 -46 -50 -39 86 -65 132 -26 153 -27 255 -16 104 11 339 61 510 109 94 26 100 29 103 55 6 46 -16 83 -62 106 -23 11 -47 20 -54 20 -21 0 -22 19 -1 67 43 98 43 89 -7 143 -26 28 -67 63 -92 80 -69 45 -221 91 -326 99 l-89 6 -27 86 c-16 48 -44 177 -65 288 -42 236 -54 279 -91 332 -26 37 -125 109 -151 109 -6 0 3 -22 22 -50 51 -75 58 -109 52 -229 -3 -58 -10 -118 -16 -134 l-11 -28 -152 3 -153 3 -6 150 c-6 154 -14 193 -52 233 -43 46 -67 52 -125 33z"/> <path d="M744 2360 c54 -48 68 -96 74 -252 l5 -138 142 0 142 0 11 83 c7 45 12 98 12 117 -1 48 -29 120 -67 175 l-33 45 -160 0 -161 0 35 -30z"/> <path d="M666 1450 c160 -11 277 -60 406 -171 51 -44 98 -63 98 -40 0 5 -30 36 -66 69 -53 50 -81 66 -152 92 -130 47 -197 60 -302 58 l-95 -1 111 -7z"/> <path d="M580 1429 c0 -13 44 -265 56 -321 l5 -26 42 24 c60 35 246 93 337 106 59 8 77 14 73 24 -9 24 -126 106 -199 140 -81 38 -127 50 -236 59 -63 6 -78 5 -78 -6z"/> <path d="M1002 1189 c-35 -4 -80 -13 -100 -20 -69 -21 -252 -102 -252 -110 0 -5 1 -9 3 -9 1 0 52 -7 112 -15 61 -8 147 -15 193 -15 l83 0 24 53 c12 29 28 70 33 90 12 42 17 41 -96 26z"/> <path d="M1111 1154 c-19 -77 -58 -143 -87 -150 -25 -6 -275 11 -324 23 -14 3 -22 3 -19 -1 14 -15 217 -67 282 -73 84 -7 93 0 152 117 60 119 62 130 32 130 -21 0 -26 -7 -36 -46z"/> </g> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.0" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="47.24 11 155.66 150.66"> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient2" > <stop offset="0%" stop-color="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"/> <stop offset="10%" stop-color="rgba(255, 154, 0, 1)"/> <stop offset="20%" stop-color="rgba(208, 222, 33, 1)"/> <stop offset="30%" stop-color="rgba(79, 220, 74, 1)"/> <stop offset="40%" stop-color="rgba(63, 218, 216, 1)"/> <stop offset="50%" stop-color="rgba(47, 201, 226, 1)"/> <stop offset="60%" stop-color="rgba(28, 127, 238, 1)"/> <stop offset="70%" stop-color="rgba(95, 21, 242, 1)"/> <stop offset="80%" stop-color="rgba(186, 12, 248, 1)"/> <stop offset="90%" stop-color="rgba(251, 7, 217, 1)"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"/> </linearGradient> </defs> <g fill="url(#gradient2)" transform="translate(25,130) scale(0.05,-0.05)"> <path d="M622 2371 c-143 -49 -189 -196 -114 -367 30 -67 31 -73 21 -135 -9 -54 -7 -88 14 -222 14 -87 27 -160 28 -161 2 -2 60 -8 129 -14 94 -7 147 -18 213 -40 118 -41 162 -69 235 -146 l61 -66 126 0 125 0 0 41 c0 23 -12 93 -26 156 -14 63 -24 117 -21 119 2 2 38 0 80 -6 123 -15 233 -68 328 -157 l48 -44 -16 -52 c-21 -74 -24 -76 -85 -64 -37 8 -92 7 -188 -1 -74 -7 -192 -12 -261 -12 l-125 0 -43 -94 c-24 -52 -59 -113 -77 -135 -40 -46 -50 -39 86 -65 132 -26 153 -27 255 -16 104 11 339 61 510 109 94 26 100 29 103 55 6 46 -16 83 -62 106 -23 11 -47 20 -54 20 -21 0 -22 19 -1 67 43 98 43 89 -7 143 -26 28 -67 63 -92 80 -69 45 -221 91 -326 99 l-89 6 -27 86 c-16 48 -44 177 -65 288 -42 236 -54 279 -91 332 -26 37 -125 109 -151 109 -6 0 3 -22 22 -50 51 -75 58 -109 52 -229 -3 -58 -10 -118 -16 -134 l-11 -28 -152 3 -153 3 -6 150 c-6 154 -14 193 -52 233 -43 46 -67 52 -125 33z M744 2360 c54 -48 68 -96 74 -252 l5 -138 142 0 142 0 11 83 c7 45 12 98 12 117 -1 48 -29 120 -67 175 l-33 45 -160 0 -161 0 35 -30z M666 1450 c160 -11 277 -60 406 -171 51 -44 98 -63 98 -40 0 5 -30 36 -66 69 -53 50 -81 66 -152 92 -130 47 -197 60 -302 58 l-95 -1 111 -7z M580 1429 c0 -13 44 -265 56 -321 l5 -26 42 24 c60 35 246 93 337 106 59 8 77 14 73 24 -9 24 -126 106 -199 140 -81 38 -127 50 -236 59 -63 6 -78 5 -78 -6z M1002 1189 c-35 -4 -80 -13 -100 -20 -69 -21 -252 -102 -252 -110 0 -5 1 -9 3 -9 1 0 52 -7 112 -15 61 -8 147 -15 193 -15 l83 0 24 53 c12 29 28 70 33 90 12 42 17 41 -96 26z M1111 1154 c-19 -77 -58 -143 -87 -150 -25 -6 -275 11 -324 23 -14 3 -22 3 -19 -1 14 -15 217 -67 282 -73 84 -7 93 0 152 117 60 119 62 130 32 130 -21 0 -26 -7 -36 -46z"/> </g> </svg>

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