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[英]Why isn't my program doing anything at all?

I'm sorry for the vague title, but I don't know what else to say.对于模糊的标题,我很抱歉,但我不知道还能说什么。 Here is my program:这是我的程序:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

#include <vector>
using namespace std;
main (int argc, char **argv)
//string fin;
  string ttl, dscp, ext;
  string west = "w";
  string east = "e";
  string north = "n";
  string south = "s";
  int numRooms;
//string argv[1] = filename;
  class Room
    public:string title;
    string description;
    string exits;
    int exitWest = -1;
    int exitNorth = -1;
    int exitEast = -1;
    int exitSouth = -1;
    int numExits;

  ifstream fin;
  fin.open (argv[1]);
  int t = 0;
  while (fin)
      string tilde;
      string tester;
      tester = "~";
      cin >> tilde;
      if (tilde == tester)
      t = t + 1;

      (numRooms = t / 3);

  Room *roomArrayPtr = new Room[numRooms];
  fin.clear ();
  while (fin)
      for (int l = 0; l < numRooms; l++)
      getline (fin, ttl, '~');
      roomArrayPtr[l].title = ttl;
      getline (fin, dscp, '~');
      roomArrayPtr[l].description = dscp;
      getline (fin, ext, '~');
      stringstream sin;
      sin << ext;
      string x;
      int y;
      while (sin >> x >> y)
          if (x == west)
          roomArrayPtr[l].exitWest = y;
          if (x == south)
          roomArrayPtr[l].exitSouth = y;
          if (x == north)
          roomArrayPtr[l].exitNorth = y;
          if (x == east)
          roomArrayPtr[l].exitEast = y;

      sin.clear ();
      int numext;
      numext = (ext.size ()) / 3;
      roomArrayPtr[l].numExits = numext;
//(read in file again populate roomarrayptr w while loop and getline)
//roomArrayPtr[index].title = line;

//close files, while loop that reads in user input from stdin, delete pointers w (delete[] roomArrayPtr;)
//if (exitsarray[i].size() > 2){
  char command;
  char newcommand;
  cout << ">";
  cin >> command;
  int currentroom = 0;
  int newroom;
  bool keepgoing = true;
  //string dir1;
  while (keepgoing)
    switch (command)
    // stringstream ss;
      case 'l':
    cout << roomArrayPtr[currentroom].title << endl;
    cout << roomArrayPtr[currentroom].description << endl;
    cout << endl;
//if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].numExits < 2) {
    cout << "Exits: ";
    if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitWest > -1)
        cout << "w";
    if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitNorth > -1)
        cout << "n";
    if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitSouth > -1)
        cout << "s";
    if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitEast > -1)
        cout << "e";
/*else {
    cout << "Exits: " ;
    for (int k = 0; k < numExits; k++){
        cout << exitdirection << " ";
//string newcommand;
    cin >> newcommand;
//int newroom;
    switch (newcommand)
      case 'w':
        if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitWest == -1)
        cout << "You can't go WEST!" << endl;
        newroom = roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitWest;
        cout << "You moved WEST." << endl;

      case 'e':
        if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitEast == -1)
        cout << "You can't go EAST!" << endl;
        newroom = roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitEast;
        cout << "You moved EAST." << endl;

      case 'n':
        if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitNorth == -1)
        cout << "You can't go NORTH!" << endl;
        newroom = roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitNorth;
        cout << "You moved NORTH." << endl;

      case 's':
        if (roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitSouth == -1)
        cout << "You can't go SOUTH!" << endl;
        newroom = roomArrayPtr[currentroom].exitSouth;
        cout << "You moved SOUTH." << endl;

      case 'q':
    keepgoing = false;
    return 0;
    currentroom = newroom;


Whenever I run it, it compiles, but nothing happens.每当我运行它时,它都会编译,但什么也没有发生。 I tried putting in some random cout << "testing1" "testing2" scattered throughout, but none of those even showed up.我尝试放入一些随机的 cout << "testing1" "testing2" 分散在各处,但这些都没有出现。 I put it immediately after the { after int main and it still didn't show up.我把它紧跟在 { after int main 之后,但它仍然没有出现。 What's going on?这是怎么回事?

I tried putting in some random cout << "testing1" "testing2" scattered throughout, but none of those even showed up.我尝试放入一些随机的 cout << "testing1" "testing2" 分散在各处,但这些都没有出现。 I put it immediately after the { after int main and it still didn't show up.我把它紧跟在 { after int main 之后,但它仍然没有出现。

you are reading the wrong file你读错了文件

  int t = 0;
  while (fin)
      string tilde;
      string tester;
      tester = "~";
      cin >> tilde; <<<<===== i assume you mean fin
      if (tilde == tester)
      t = t + 1;

      (numRooms = t / 3);

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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