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[英]How to obtain user input (as a number) to be applied to an equation

I am trying to program a scenario where a user will input two pieces of information, a 6-minute walk distance in meters at baseline (6MWDbaseline) and then a 6-minute walk distance in meters at 24-weeks (6MWD24weeks).我正在尝试编写一个场景,用户将输入两条信息,基线时 6 分钟的步行距离(6MWDbaseline),然后是 24 周时的 6 分钟步行距离(6MWD24weeks)。 I want the user to supply those pieces of information rather than me asserting them within the program.我希望用户提供这些信息,而不是我在程序中声明它们。 Once those numbers are entered they need to be applied to the equation: (6MWD24weeks - 6MWDbaseline) = x and then to this equation: x / 6MWDbaseline = y Where, if y >/= 0.2 then the program will denote success.输入这些数字后,需要将它们应用于等式:(6MWD24weeks - 6MWDbaseline) = x,然后应用于此等式:x / 6MWDbaseline = y 其中,如果 y >/= 0.2,则程序将表示成功。 If y is between 0.05-0.19 then the program will denote clinical improvement.如果 y 在 0.05-0.19 之间,则该程序将表示临床改善。 If y is <0.049 then the program will denote failure.如果 y <0.049,则程序将表示失败。

I get an error early on in my script testing, before I can even try to program my 'clinical improvement' or 'failure' lines, that my user inputs of 6MWDbaseline and 6MWD24weeks are expected to be integers or floats.我在脚本测试的早期就遇到了一个错误,在我什至可以尝试对我的“临床改进”或“失败”行进行编程之前,我的 6MWDbaseline 和 6MWD24weeks 的用户输入应该是整数或浮点数。 Any guidance on what I might be doing wrong?关于我可能做错了什么的任何指导?

CLIPS> (clear)
CLIPS> (defrule MAIN::6WMDbaseline-check
    (printout t "What is the distance on the baseline 6-minute walk distance in meters?" crlf)
    (assert (6MWDbaseline (read))))
CLIPS> (defrule MAIN::6MWD24week-check
    (printout t "What is the distance on the 24-week 6-minute walk distance in meters?" crlf)
    (assert (6MWD24week (read))))
CLIPS> (defrule MAIN::success-decision
    (6MWDbaseline ?6MWDbaseline)
    (6MWD24week ?6MWD24week)
    (if (- 6MWD24week 6MWDbaseline = x) and (/ x 6MWDbaseline >0.2))
    (printout t "Primary outcome met, greater than 20% improvement in 6-minute walk distance" crlf))
[ARGACCES2] Function '-' expected argument #1 to be of type integer or float.

    (defrule MAIN::success-decision
    (6MWDbaseline ? 6MWDbaseline)
    (6MWD24week ? 6MWD24week)
    (if (- 6MWD24week 6MWDbaseline = x)

Thanks in advance for any assistance!在此先感谢您的帮助! Marnie玛妮

Use the bind function to assign values to variables in the actions of a rule.使用绑定function 为规则操作中的变量赋值。 In addition, variable names must begin with a letter.此外,变量名必须以字母开头。

         CLIPS (6.4 2/9/21)
(defrule 6WMDbaseline-check
    (printout t "What is the distance on the baseline 6-minute walk distance in meters?" crlf)
    (assert (6MWDbaseline (read))))
(defrule 6MWD24week-check
    (printout t "What is the distance on the 24-week 6-minute walk distance in meters?" crlf)
    (assert (6MWD24week (read))))
(defrule success-decision
    (6MWDbaseline ?baseline)
    (6MWD24week ?week24)
    (bind ?x (- ?week24 ?baseline))
    (bind ?y (/ ?x ?baseline))
    (switch TRUE
       (case (> ?y 0.2)
             (printout t "Primary outcome met, greater than 20% improvement in 6-minute walk distance" crlf))
       (case (and (>= ?y 0.05) (<= ?y 0.2))
             (printout t "Primary outcome improved, between 5% and 20% improvement in 6-minute walk distance" crlf))
       (case (< ?y 0.05)
             (printout t "Primary outcome failed, less than 5% improvement in 6-minute walk distance" crlf))))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
What is the distance on the baseline 6-minute walk distance in meters?
What is the distance on the 24-week 6-minute walk distance in meters?
Primary outcome met, greater than 20% improvement in 6-minute walk distance
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
What is the distance on the baseline 6-minute walk distance in meters?
What is the distance on the 24-week 6-minute walk distance in meters?
Primary outcome improved, between 5% and 20% improvement in 6-minute walk distance
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
What is the distance on the baseline 6-minute walk distance in meters?
What is the distance on the 24-week 6-minute walk distance in meters?
Primary outcome failed, less than 5% improvement in 6-minute walk distance

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