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[英]Is there more easier way to count same items that goes in row in array?

This is my code这是我的代码

function repeat(arr){
    let string = (arr.join(''))
    let start = -1
    let count = 0
    while((start = string.indexOf('hhh', start + 1)) != -1 ){
        count += 1
        start += 3
    while((start = string.indexOf('ttt', start + 1)) != -1 ){
        count += 1
        start += 3

repeat(["h", "h", "h", "t", "h", "h", "t", "t", "t", "h", "t", "h", "h", "h", "h"])

In this example I tried to count how many times t or h goes 3 times in row.在此示例中,我尝试计算 t 或 h 连续出现 3 次的次数。

Is there a way to do it without making a string?有没有办法在不制作字符串的情况下做到这一点? Or at least to merge block with while into one?或者至少将块与 while 合并为一个?

You can iterate each element in the array.您可以迭代数组中的每个元素。

While doing so, you can keep track of:这样做时,您可以跟踪:

  • the total number of repeated groups that have occurred ( total )已出现的重复组总数( total
  • the value of the previous element seen in the array ( previousElement )数组中前一个元素的值 ( previousElement )
  • the current number of elements that have repeated ( currentCount )当前重复的元素数 ( currentCount )

Below is an example of what I described above, including comments:以下是我上面描述的示例,包括注释:

 function countRepeats (numOfRepeated, array) { let total = 0; let currentCount = 0; // Start with an object because no object strictly equals any other value: let previousElement = {}; for (const element of array) { if (element === previousElement) { // Increment the count: currentCount += 1; if (currentCount === numOfRepeated) { // Increment the total: total += 1; // Reset the count to 1: currentCount = 1; } } else { // Reset the count to 1: currentCount = 1; } // Update the previous element: previousElement = element; } return total; } const total = countRepeats( 3, ["h", "h", "h", "t", "h", "h", "t", "t", "t", "h", "t", "h", "h", "h", "h"], // 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 // 1 2 3 ); console.log(total); // 3

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