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[英]Can not get any Bokeh graphs show up when the check boxes are ticked

I have tried the below code to generate bokeh graphs for each of the element when the their respective check boxes are ticked.我已经尝试了下面的代码来为每个元素生成散景图,当它们各自的复选框被选中时。 data is a df with columns like 'id', 'data_point', 'max', 'min' I am expecting a graph where if the data_point is empty or n.netype then the graph should not appear otherwise when the check boxes are ticked beside the id the graphs should appear for whichever id is being selected by the check box This should happen for every unique id.数据是一个 df,其中包含“id”、“data_point”、“max”、“min”等列在 id 旁边,图表应该显示复选框选择的任何 id 这应该发生在每个唯一 id 上。 for one unique id the graph should look like below对于一个唯一的 id,图表应该如下所示


data = df

if len(data) == 0:
    logging.debug(" No data")
    req_hover = HoverTool(
            ('data_point: ', '@data_point'),
            ('id: ', '@id')])

    req_figure = figure(title='Graph', x_axis_label="Index", y_axis_label="id/data_point [ms]",
                        plot_width=800, plot_height=400, output_backend="webgl")


    id_values = data['id'].drop_duplicates()

    column_view_data = data[
        ['id', 'tag', 'sw', 'name']].drop_duplicates().dropna()
    column_view_data_source = ColumnDataSource(column_view_data)

    data_table = DataTable(selectable='checkbox', source=column_view_data_source, columns=columns, width=1450,
                           height=400, css_classes=['blueTable'])

    name_dict_req = {'name': [], 'legend': [], 'label': []}

    logging.info('START OF DRAWINGS')

    for ind, element in enumerate(elements):
        d = []
        for i, item in data.iterrows():
            it_color = Turbo256[random.randint(0, 255)]
            if element == item['id']:
                if item['data_point'] is None or str(item['data_point']) == '[]':
                    item['data_point'] = '0'
                    item['data_point'] = [float(x) for x in item['data_point'].strip('[').strip(']').split(',')]
                raw_data_element_count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
                                          20]  # this is my x axis which will be 1 to 20

                d.append({'id': id,
                          'number of raw data points': data_point_element_count,
                          'data_point': item['data_point']})
                d_new = pd.DataFrame(d)
                name_glyph_req = req_figure.line(x='number of raw data points',


    logging.info('AFTER DRAWINGS LOOP')

    for label in range(len(data.id.unique())):

    initial_value = []
    options = list(data.id.unique())
    for i, name in enumerate(options):
        options[i] = str(name)

    for i in range(len(options)):
        if name_dict_req['label'][i] in initial_value:
            name_dict_req['name'][i].visible = True
            name_dict_req['legend'][i].visible = True
            name_dict_req['name'][i].visible = False
            name_dict_req['legend'][i].visible = False

    callback_datatable = CustomJS(args=dict(source=column_view_data_source), code=callback_file_content_mq)

    column_view_data_source.selected.js_on_change('indices', callback_datatable)

    req_figure.legend.location = "top_left"
    req_figure.legend.click_policy = "hide"
    logging.info('END DRAWINGS END SETUP')

I think I did not provide a name dict in the customJS call in my code.我想我没有在我的代码中的 customJS 调用中提供名称字典。 So the issue was there that even if I click the checkboxes the graphs were not showing所以问题就在那里,即使我点击复选框,图表也没有显示

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