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找到具有 0 个特征 (shape=(10792, 0)) 的数组,而至少需要 1 个

[英]Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape=(10792, 0)) while a minimum of 1 is required

Hey I am using Jupitor Notebook and doing machine learning.嘿,我正在使用 Jupitor Notebook 并进行机器学习。 I wrote this code but getting this error and I dont know what is the error.我写了这段代码但得到了这个错误,我不知道错误是什么。 This is my code for reference:这是我的参考代码:

f`rom sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer

imp = IterativeImputer(random_state=42)

date = pd.Timestamp('2200-01-01')

for col in combi:
    if combi[col].dtype=="object":
        combi[col].fillna("not listed", inplace=True)
    if combi[col].dtype=="int":
        #X[col].fillna(X[col].mode()[0], inplace=True)
        combi[col].fillna(combi[col].mean(), inplace=True)
        #combi[col] = combi[col].astype.int()
    if combi[col].dtype=='float':
       #X[col].fillna(X[col].mean(), inplace=True)
       combi[col] = imp.fit_transform(combi[col].values.reshape(-1,1))
    if combi[col].dtype=="datetime64[ns]":
        combi[col].fillna(date, inplace=True)

Solution of the problem问题的解决

This is not how for loops work in Python.这不是for循环在 Python 中的工作方式。

for col in combi:
    if combi[col].dtype=="object":
        # ...

col isn't an index into the collection you're iterating over ( combi ), it is the dereferenced element itself. col不是您正在迭代的集合的索引 ( combi ),它取消引用的元素本身。 Change all instances of combi[col] inside your for loop to col to correct.for循环内的所有combi[col]实例更改为col以更正。 Example:例子:

for col in combi:
    if col.dtype=="object":

You didn't post all of your code so it's unclear if this will resolved the problem you're seeing, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.您没有发布所有代码,因此不清楚这是否会解决您所看到的问题,但这肯定是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。


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