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[英]how to make calculation of days based on 2 dates using angular12

i am using angular12, here calculation of days based on 2 dates works fine with chrome, but the same thing fails in firefox.我正在使用 angular12,这里基于 2 个日期的天数计算在 chrome 上工作正常,但同样的事情在 firefox 中失败了。

TS: Using Moment, gives invalid date error under firefox: TS:使用 Moment,在 firefox 下给出无效日期错误:

 getDaysCount(firstDate: any, secondDate: any) {
    let first = moment(firstDate, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
    let second = moment(secondDate, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
    return second.diff(first, 'days');

console.log(this.getDaysCount('11-12-2022', '11-14-2022)); console.log(this.getDaysCount('11-12-2022', '11-14-2022));

var Difference_In_Days = Math.ceil(Math.abs(secondDate - firstDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

this gives NAN in firefox but gives 2 in chrome.这在 firefox 中给出 NAN,但在 chrome 中给出 2。

Take a look at this answer .看看这个答案 Firefox requires the date in yyyy-mm-dd format. Firefox 需要yyyy-mm-dd格式的日期。 If you make the change, it works in both Firefox and Chrome.如果您进行更改,它在 Firefox 和 Chrome 中都有效。

FYI, you cannot use Math.ceil on strings, you need to convert them to milliseconds first.仅供参考,您不能在字符串上使用Math.ceil ,您需要先将它们转换为毫秒。

getDaysCount(firstDate: any, secondDate: any) {
    const firtDateMs = (new Date(firstDate)).getTime();
    const secondDateMs = (new Date(secondDate)).getTime();
    console.log('First date: ' + firstDate, 'In ms:' + firtDateMs);
    console.log('Second date: ' + firstDate, 'In ms:' + secondDateMs);
    const Difference_In_Days = Math.ceil(Math.abs(firtDateMs - secondDateMs) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
    console.log("Difference_In_Days: ", Difference_In_Days);

To include negative numbers in the result, remove Math.abs from the function.要在结果中包含负数,请从 function 中删除Math.abs

const Difference_In_Days = Math.ceil((firtDateMs - secondDateMs) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

Firefox console: Firefox 控制台: 在此处输入图像描述

Chrome console:铬控制台:


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