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Flutter riverpod, StateNotifierProvider 初始化 StateNotifier 最佳实践

[英]Flutter riverpod, StateNotifierProvider initialise StateNotifier best practice

I want to initialise a my StateNotifier asynchronously.我想异步初始化我的 StateNotifier。

I think I can do it, I just want to check what I am doing is best practice.我想我可以做到,我只是想检查一下我正在做的是最佳实践。

This is a bit pseudo but hopefully makes sense...这有点伪,但希望是有道理的......

final signInProvider = StateNotifierProvider<ExampleNotifier, SignInState>((ref) {
  return ExampleNotifier();

class ExampleNotifier extends StateNotifier<SignInState> {

  //emits loading state to start with

  ExampleNotifier() : super(Loading()) {
    //We then invoke a function that gets some data... from an api

  void getAsyncDate() async {
    final foo = await someAsyncCall();

    //once its returned we set the state to it...
    state = foo;


Basically is it ok to use the constructor invoke a function that will then set the state on the StateNotifier?基本上可以使用构造函数调用 function 然后在 StateNotifier 上设置 state 吗?


Yes, it's great practice.是的,这是很好的练习。 The new version of Riverpod 2.0 has a class AsyncNotifier<State> (like as StateNotifier<State> ):新版本的 Riverpod 2.0 有一个 class AsyncNotifier<State> (就像StateNotifier<State> ):

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

class SignInNotifier extends AsyncNotifier<void> {
  // Override the [build] method to return a [FutureOr]
  FutureOr<void> build() {
    // Return a value (or do nothing if the return type is void)

  Future<void> signIn() async {
    // Read the repository using ref
    final authRepository = ref.read(authRepositoryProvider);
    // Set the loading state
    state = const AsyncLoading();
    // Sign in and update the state (data or error)
    state = await AsyncValue.guard(authRepository.signIn);

The provider for this class looks like this:这个 class 的提供者看起来像这样:

// Using a constructor tear-off:
final signInProvider = AsyncNotifierProvider<SignInNotifier, void>(SignInNotifier.new)

Note how the function that creates the provider doesn't have a ref argument.请注意创建提供程序的 function 如何没有ref参数。

However, ref is always accessible as a property inside Notifier or AsyncNotifier subclasses, making it easy to read other providers.但是, ref始终可以作为NotifierAsyncNotifier子类中的属性进行访问,从而可以轻松读取其他提供程序。

More info:更多信息:

How-does-asyncnotifier-work asyncnotifier 是如何工作的

AsyncNotifier-class AsyncNotifier 类

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