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JaCaMo 无法满足 Eclipse 中的依赖项。缺少要求

[英]JaCaMo cannot satisfy dependencies in Eclipse. Missing requirement

I am trying to follow the JaCaMo Eclipse Plugin instructions.我正在尝试按照 JaCaMo Eclipse 插件说明进行操作。 I am getting a problem when installing a new software.安装新软件时出现问题。 Can anyone help?谁能帮忙? enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I tried to follow instructions but cannot solve the issue above.我尝试按照说明进行操作,但无法解决上述问题。 I have looked but cannot see anyone having the same problem.我看过但看不到任何人有同样的问题。

I had the same issue.我遇到过同样的问题。 The problem is with the version of Eclipse. I'm assuming you're using a version that's 2021-12 or later.问题出在 Eclipse 的版本上。我假设您使用的是 2021-12 或更高版本。 After the whole fiasco with Log4j at the end of 2021, I believe they stopped using it or changed something about it in Eclipse, and hence the error.在 2021 年底 Log4j 的整个惨败之后,我相信他们停止使用它或在 Eclipse 中对其进行了一些更改,因此出现了错误。 Using Eclipse with versions 2021-09 or before will solve the issue.在 2021-09 或之前的版本中使用 Eclipse 将解决此问题。

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