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我的 R function 在通过 map() 传递时接受单个列名但不接受列名列表

[英]My R function accepts individual column names but not lists of column names when passed through map()

After many months of using this forum, I finally have a question for the community that I can't seem to find sufficiently addressed elsewhere.使用此论坛数月后,我终于对社区提出了一个问题,我似乎无法在其他地方找到充分解决的问题。

In R, I created a function that accepts individual column names but not lists of column names when passed through map().在 R 中,我创建了一个 function,它在通过 map() 时接受单个列名但不接受列名列表。 The problem appears to be one of evaluation, so have tried quo() and enquo(), but since I don't properly understand how they work, I need some help.问题似乎是评估之一,所以尝试了 quo() 和 enquo(),但由于我没有正确理解它们是如何工作的,所以我需要一些帮助。

I've tried iterating through different versions of the function (commenting out the offending lines as per error messages) but this only moves the problem around without solving it.我尝试遍历 function 的不同版本(根据错误消息注释掉有问题的行)但这只会解决问题而不会解决它。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

# Load:

# Create df:
df <- tibble(col1 = sample(c("a", "b", "c"), 10, replace = TRUE),
             col2 = sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE),
             col3 = sample(1:4, 10, replace = TRUE))

# My function:
my_function <- function(col_name) {
  df <- df %>%
    filter({{ col_name }} != 1) %>%
    group_by(fct_relevel(factor(col1), "c", "b", "a")) %>%
    mutate(col4 = 5 - {{ col_name }}) %>%
    summarise("Score" = mean(col4)) %>%
    rename("Levels" =
             `fct_relevel(factor(col1), "c", "b", "a")`)

# List of col_names to pass to function:
col_list <- list(df$col2, df$col3)

# Attempt function in map() using list of col_names:
map(col_list, my_function)

# Gives error message:
# Error in `mutate()`:
# ! Problem while computing `col4 = 5 - c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L,
#                                        4L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L)`.
# ✖ `col4` must be size 2 or 1, not 10.
# ℹ The error occurred in group 1: fct_relevel(factor(col1), "c",
#                                             "b", "a") = c.

One issue you're having is that col_list is not actually a list of column names, but rather the actual data from those columns.您遇到的一个问题是col_list实际上不是列名列表,而是来自这些列的实际数据。

I'm not totally sure what output you're hoping for, but I'm guessing it's the full_join of the result of my_function applied to each column.我不完全确定你希望得到什么 output,但我猜这是应用于每一列的my_function结果的full_join One way to do that is:一种方法是:

new_f <- function(...){
    df %>% 
        mutate(across(-col1, ~if_else(.x == 1L, NA, .x))) %>% 
        group_by("Levels" = fct_relevel(factor(col1), "c", "b", "a")) %>% 
        select(Levels, ...) %>% 
        summarize(across(everything(), ~ mean(5- .x, na.rm = TRUE)))

new_f(col2, col3)

Now, I realize that maybe I have missed your true intention.现在,我意识到,也许我错过了你的真实意图。 For example, maybe you're trying to understand how to use purrr::map .例如,也许您正在尝试了解如何使用purrr::map If so, please comment or update your question.如果是这样,请发表评论或更新您的问题。

In any case, you should check out Programming with dplyr无论如何,您应该查看Programming with dplyr

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