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在 DataPower 网关中删除表单数据中的连字符

[英]Removing hyphens in form data in DataPower gateway

we are trying to pass a file in form data but we are unable to remove the hyphens, Content-Disposition and Content-Type.我们正在尝试传递表单数据中的文件,但我们无法删除连字符、Content-Disposition 和 Content-Type。

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="Sample.xml"
Content-Type: application/xml

<Name> Naruto </Name>
<Occupation> Hokage </Occupation>

Your file does not contain valid XML. It contains a multipart HTTP payload with one part of type XML, but everything related to the multipart format must be stripped away before you can feed this into an XSLT processor:您的文件不包含有效的 XML。它包含一个多部分 HTTP 有效负载,其中一部分的类型为 XML,但是在将其输入 XSLT 处理器之前,必须删除与多部分格式相关的所有内容:

  • all lines up to and including the first blank line直到并包括第一个空行的所有行
  • the last line (starting with hyphens).最后一行(以连字符开头)。

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