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CSV 使用“-”作为 NULL。将列转换为 INT 时出错

[英]CSV using '-' as NULL. Error to convert column to INT

I have a CSV我有一个 CSV

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')


Column A A列 Column B B列 Column C专栏C
4068744 4068744 -1472525 -1472525 2596219 2596219
198366 198366 - - - -

The file is using '-' for nul values该文件对 nul 值使用“-”

I tried converting to int without handling that '-'.我尝试在不处理“-”的情况下转换为 int。

My question is: how do I strip the string '-' without changing the negative values?我的问题是:如何在不更改负值的情况下去除字符串“-”?

df['Column B'] = df['Column B'].astype(int)

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '-' ValueError:以 10 为底的 int() 的无效文字:'-'

Higher version of pandas can hold integer dtypes with missing values.更高版本的pandas可以容纳integer具有缺失值的数据类型。 Normal int conversion doesn't support null values.普通int转换不支持 null 值。

# replace - with null
df.replace('-', pd.NA, inplace=True)
# and use Int surrounding with ''
df['Column B'] = df['Column B'].astype('Int64')

output: output:

> df

  Column A  Column B Column C
0  4068744  -1472525  2596219
1   198366      <NA>     <NA>

> df['Column B'].info

Name: Column B, dtype: Int64>

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