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[英]Python: Extract keywords from string

Hey Guys I am searching for a fast/efficient way to extract keywords (defined in a list) from a String (in a Dataframe) without being case sensitive or dependent on " " chars:嘿伙计们,我正在寻找一种快速/有效的方法来从字符串(在数据框中)中提取关键字(在列表中定义),而不区分大小写或依赖于“”字符:

keys = ['I', 'love', 'Cookies'] keys = ['我', '爱', '饼干']

String from df= "xxxxxxxxIxx xx cookies"来自 df= "xxxxxxxxIxx xx cookies" 的字符串

result should by either ['I'] or ['I', 'Cookies']结果应为 ['I'] 或 ['I', 'Cookies']

I am currently using f"({'|'.join(keys)}) which is case sensitive. What would you recommend for long strings in even longer dataframes:)我目前正在使用区分大小写的 f"({'|'.join(keys)}) 。对于更长的数据帧中的长字符串,您会推荐什么:)

Thanks in advance提前致谢

Working code as per your inputs:根据您的输入工作代码:

my_str ="xxxxxxxixxx xx cookhes"
my_list = ["I", "love", "Cookies"]
if any(substring.casefold() in my_str.casefold() for substring in my_list):
    print('Contains element')
    print('Not contain any element.')

More info on the following answer from StackOverflow:Case insensitive 'in'有关 StackOverflow 的以下答案的更多信息:Case insensitive 'in'

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