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FileOpenPicker 在 Windows 11 桌面上的 C# 中不起作用

[英]FileOpenPicker not working in C# on Windows 11 Desktop

I am creating a Windows Form App in VS on Windows11 and get this error when I attempt to run my file picker function: System.NotImplementedException: 'The member IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList> FileOpenPicker.PickMultipleFilesAsync() is not implemented in Uno.'我正在 Windows11 上的 VS 中创建一个 Windows 表单应用程序,当我尝试运行我的文件选择器 function 时出现此错误:System.NotImplementedException:'The member IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList> FileOpenPicker.PickMultipleFilesAsync() is not implemented in Uno.'

The Code:代码:

        var picker = new FileOpenPicker();
        picker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
        picker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary;

        var files = await picker.PickMultipleFilesAsync();     
        if(files!=null){//stuff n things}

Windows 11 has its own method for opening files. Windows 11 有自己的文件打开方法。 FilePicker will not work in the new App environtment. FilePicker 将无法在新的 App 环境中工作。

How To Open Files 如何打开文件

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