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如何从日期列表创建 DatePicker

[英]How to create a DatePicker from a List of dates

I am learning JavaFX and came across a requirement in my JavaFX application where I want to create a Datepicker using an ArrayList of dates.我正在学习 JavaFX 并在我的 JavaFX 应用程序中遇到了一个要求,我想使用ArrayList的日期创建一个 Datepicker。 I need to disable all other dates which are not present in this list (dateList).我需要禁用此列表 (dateList) 中不存在的所有其他日期。 Finally, according to the date selected, I need to render a ComboBox with values in morningSlot and eveningSlot .最后,根据选择的日期,我需要渲染一个ComboBox ,其值在morningSloteveningSlot中。 The structure of the object is as follows. object的结构如下。

Schedule {
    List<LocalDate> dateList;
    String morningSlot;
    String eveningSlot;

Solved the same using the below code.使用下面的代码解决了同样的问题。 Thanks VGR for the input.感谢 VGR 的输入。

 final Callback<DatePicker, DateCell> dayCellFactory = new Callback<DatePicker, DateCell>() {
                public DateCell call(final DatePicker datePicker)
                    return new DateCell() {
                        public void updateItem(LocalDate item, boolean empty)
                            super.updateItem(item, empty);
                            setDisable(empty || !dateList.contains(item));

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