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Vue 渲染 function 可拖动。 如何添加 v-model

[英]Vue render function for draggable. How can I add v-model

I cannot find how to add v-model to draggable component in Vue2.我找不到如何将 v-model 添加到 Vue2 中的可拖动组件。 found some example in documentation, but it doesn't work.在文档中找到了一些示例,但它不起作用。 I tried different variants like adding of list property to component, but it does not work.我尝试了不同的变体,例如向组件添加列表属性,但它不起作用。

 const draggableItem = h('draggable', {
      class: '',
      attrs: { 
          ghostClass: 'ghost',
          animation: 200,
          handle: '.drag-widget'
      on: {
        input: (event) => {
          console.log('on input');
          this.data.list = event.target.value
          this.$emit('data.list', event.target.value)
        end: () => {
          console.log('drag on end');
        add: (event) => {
          console.log('drag on add', this.data.list);     

Could somebody help me with it?有人可以帮我吗?

Tried to add to attributes list property like list: this.data.list, but it also doesn't work试图添加到属性列表属性,如列表:this.data.list,但它也不起作用

V-model is basically combination of reactive prop :value and input . V-model 基本上是 reactive prop :valueinput的组合。 Value prop for initializing it and input event to update parent's version of it.用于初始化它的值道具和输入事件以更新它的父版本。

Here is very good guide - Adding V-model to custom vue component这是非常好的指南 - Adding V-model to custom vue component

On being added to the list, it should emit('input',data.list) and also there assign to a data value to avoid mutating the prop.在被添加到列表中时,它应该emit('input',data.list)并在那里分配一个数据值以避免改变 prop。

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