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State 单子 - 在 Haskell

[英]State Monads - In Haskell

I'm trying to create a calculator with an integer state which allows the user to update this state using commands.我正在尝试使用 integer state 创建一个计算器,它允许用户使用命令更新此 state。 This is what I've got so far.这是我到目前为止所得到的。

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State

data CalcCmd = EnterC
         | StoreC Int CalcCmd
         | AddC Int CalcCmd
         | MultC Int CalcCmd
         | DivC Int CalcCmd
         | SubC Int CalcCmd

run :: (MonadState Int m, MonadError String m) => CalcCmd -> m ()
run (EnterC) = return()

run (StoreC a b) = do
                  put (a)
                  run b

run (AddC a b) = do
                modify((+) a)
                run b

run (MultC a b) = do
                modify((*) a)
                run b

run (DivC a b) = do
                modify ((div) a)
                run b

run (SubC a b) = do
                modify((-) a)
                run b

No matter what the commands are, the state always ends up as 0. For example, Both "StoreC 7 (EnterC)" and "StoreC 7 (AddC 14 (DivC 3 EnterC))" give the state back as 0. What am I doing wrong?无论命令是什么,state 总是以 0 结束。例如,“StoreC 7 (EnterC)”和“StoreC 7 (AddC 14 (DivC 3 EnterC))”都将 state 返回为 0。我是什么做错了吗?

The textbook says The StoreC command should manually update the state And the EnterC command should terminate the calculation, returning the unit type.教科书说 StoreC 命令应该手动更新 state 而 EnterC 命令应该终止计算,返回单位类型。

Also When using state monads, is there a few things which I should be doing no matter what the function is about?另外,当使用 state monads 时,无论 function 是什么,我都应该做一些事情吗?

Here's the output.这是 output。 在此处输入图像描述

Could not reproduce.无法重现。 runStateT (run cmd3:: CS ()) (0:: Int) returns Right ((), 7) here. runStateT (run cmd3:: CS ()) (0:: Int)在这里返回Right ((), 7) (The others do return 0 , because div 3 ((+) 14 7) = div 3 21 = 0 and div 0 ((*) 2 10) = div 0 20 = 0 . In other words, your State monad is doing the calculation you asked it to do, so your misunderstanding, whatever it is, probably is not related to state monads.) (其他人确实返回0 ,因为div 3 ((+) 14 7) = div 3 21 = 0div 0 ((*) 2 10) = div 0 20 = 0 。换句话说,你的State monad 正在做你要求它做的计算,所以你的误解,不管它是什么,可能与 state monads 无关。)

Are you double-plus sure you are loading the file you saved?你确定你正在加载你保存的文件吗? Is it possible you're saving to a different directory than you are loading from, eg?是否有可能你保存到一个不同于你从中加载的目录,例如? Or perhaps forgot to press save (I've seen it happen even to professionals...)?或者可能忘记按保存(我什至见过它发生在专业人士身上......)?

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