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如何将 Flux java object 上传到 Azure Blob 存储?

[英]How to upload a Flux java object into Azure Blob Storage?

I am trying to upload a Flux object into azure blob storage, but I'm not sure how to send a Flux pojo using BlobAsyncClient.我正在尝试将 Flux object 上传到 azure blob 存储中,但我不确定如何使用 BlobAsyncClient 发送 Flux pojo。 BlobAsyncClient has upload methods that take Flux or BinaryData but I have no luck trying to convert CombinedResponse to BYteBuffer or BinaryData. BlobAsyncClient 具有采用 Flux 或 BinaryData 的上传方法,但我没有运气尝试将 CombinedResponse 转换为 BYteBuffer 或 BinaryData。 Does anyone have any suggestions or know how to upload a flux object to blob storage?有没有人有任何建议或知道如何将通量 object 上传到 blob 存储?

You will need an asynch blob container client:您将需要一个异步 blob 容器客户端:

BlobContainerAsyncClient blobServiceClient(ClientSecretCredential azureClientCredentials, String storageAccount, String containerName) {
    BlobServiceClientBuilder blobServiceClientBuilder = new BlobServiceClientBuilder();
    return blobServiceClientBuilder
            .endpoint(format("https://%s.blob.core.windows.net/", storageAccount))

And in your code you can use it to get a client, and save your Flux to it:在您的代码中,您可以使用它来获取客户端,并将您的 Flux 保存到它:

Flux<ByteBuffer> content = getContent();
            .upload(content, new ParallelTransferOptions(), true);

I get that the getContent() step is the part you are struggling with.我知道getContent()步骤是您正在努力解决的部分。 You can save either a BinaryData object or a Flux<ByteBuffer> stream.您可以保存BinaryData object 或Flux<ByteBuffer> stream。

To turn your object into a BinaryData object, use the static helper method:要将 object 转换为 BinaryData object,请使用 static 辅助方法:

BinaryData foo = BinaryData.fromObject(myObject);

BinaryData is meant for exactly what the name says: binary data. BinaryData 顾名思义:二进制数据。 For example the content of an image file.例如图像文件的内容。

If you want to turn it into a ByteBuffer, keep in mind that you're trying to turn an object into a stream of data here.如果你想把它变成一个 ByteBuffer,记住你试图在这里把一个 object 变成一个 stream 的数据。 You will probably want to use some standardized way of doing that, so it can be reliably reversed, so rather than a stream of bytes that may break if you ever load the data in a different client, or even just a different version of the same, we usually save a json or xml representation of the object.您可能希望使用某种标准化的方式来执行此操作,以便可以可靠地反转它,而不是 stream 的字节,如果您将数据加载到不同的客户端,甚至只是相同的不同版本,则可能会中断,我们通常保存object的json或xml表示。

My go-to tool for this is Jackson:我的首选工具是 Jackson:

byte[] myBytes = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsBytes(myObject);

var myByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(myBytes);

And return it as a Flux:并将其作为 Flux 返回:

Flux<ByteBuffer> myFlux = Flux.just(myByteBuffer);

By the way, Azure uses a JSON serializer under the hood in the BinaryData.fromObject() method.顺便说一下,Azure 在BinaryData.fromObject()方法中使用了 JSON 序列化程序。 From the JavaDoc:来自 JavaDoc:

Creates an instance of BinaryData by serializing the Object using the default JsonSerializer.
Note: This method first looks for a JsonSerializerProvider 
implementation on the classpath. If no implementation is found, a 
default Jackson-based implementation will be used to serialize the object

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