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[英]Stop timer when changing page with page view and bottom navigation

I use the BottomNavigationBar that switches between the display of 5 different pages.我使用在 5 个不同页面的显示之间切换的BottomNavigationBar Changing the pages is done with the help of PageController together with the PageView widget.更改页面是在PageControllerPageView小部件的帮助下完成的。


Within the pages, there are timers that run when entering and exiting the page and pull data from the server every X time by using Timer.periodic .在页面中,有计时器在进入和退出页面时运行,并使用Timer.periodic每 X 次从服务器拉取数据。

Because of the use of PageView , the pages are built at the same time and all the timers are running, how can the timers be canceled when moving from page to page through each page by itself?因为使用PageView ,页面是同时构建的,所有的定时器都在运行,如何在页面移动时通过自己的页面移动到页面时取消定时器?

you could listen to the PageController and stop the timer.您可以收听PageController并停止计时器。 Like this像这样

pageController.addListener(() { 
      if(controller.page == 1){

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