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为什么在升级到 OEM 2020 CR Runtime 64 位版本后在新服务器上运行时会出现此 Crystal Reports 错误?

[英]Why do I get this Crystal Reports error when running on new server after upgrade to OEM 2020 CR Runtime 64-bit version?

Trying to access Crystal Report through ASP.NET Web Forms application and get the following error when trying to run the report.尝试通过 ASP.NET Web Forms 应用程序访问 Crystal Report,并在尝试运行报表时出现以下错误。

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {C0C99FA5-E1D3-494E-BE0C-73C19424F91C} failed due to the following error: 8007007f The specified procedure could not be found. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException:检索具有 CLSID {C0C99FA5-E1D3-494E-BE0C-73C19424F91C} 的组件的 COM class 工厂因以下错误而失败:8007007f 找不到指定的过程。 (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F). (HRESULT 异常:0x8007007F)。

I confirmed:我确认过了:

  • SAP Crystal Report Application Server OEM 2020 is installed, licensed, and running - I can connect to the port, service is running in the Configuration Manager tool SAP Crystal Report Application Server OEM 2020 已安装、获得许可并正在运行 - 我可以连接到端口,服务正在 Configuration Manager 工具中运行
  • CR Runtime 64-bit components are installed on web server and match the version CR Runtime 64位组件安装在web服务器上并匹配版本
  • IIS web app is working fine, and is 64-bit (Enable 32-bit applications is False in the web application's Application Pool) - all pages and content works except for Crystal Reports integration IIS web 应用程序运行良好,并且是 64 位的(在 web 应用程序的应用程序池中启用 32 位应用程序为 False)- 除 Crystal Reports 集成外,所有页面和内容均正常工作
  • ODBC connections are created for SQL Server as 64-bit (the rest of the ASP.NET Web app uses this connection just fine - gets data, confirmed correct DBMS and schema is used, etc.)为 SQL 服务器创建 ODBC 连接作为 64 位(ASP.NET Web 应用程序的 rest 使用此连接很好 - 获取数据,确认使用正确的 DBMS 和模式等)
  • Installed the VS Redist for this version, per the SAP PDF instructions on their website for 2020 OEM edition根据其网站上 2020 OEM 版的 SAP PDF 说明,为此版本安装了 VS Redist

If you had googled that error you would probably have found out it's because Office is not installed on your server.如果您用谷歌搜索该错误,您可能会发现这是因为您的服务器上未安装 Office。 For a very good reason.有一个很好的理由。 Microsoft does not support Office applications used in this manner. Microsoft 不支持以这种方式使用的 Office 应用程序。 You will have to find some way else to do whatever it is that you are trying to do.你将不得不找到其他方法来做你想做的任何事情。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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