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Openlayers Styling WMS with SLD from external file 问题

[英]Openlayers Styling WMS with SLD from external file problem

I am facing with problem how to use style in SLD format to styling WMS from geoserver.我面临如何使用 SLD 格式的样式从地理服务器设置 WMS 样式的问题。 I would like to add SLD definition as variable ${sld} from external.js file:我想将 SLD 定义添加为 external.js 文件中的变量 ${sld} :

const sld = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" version="1.0.0" xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:sld="http://www.opengis.net/sld">



            <sld:ColorMap type="ramp">
              <sld:ColorMapEntry quantity="0"  label ="0" color="#000000"/>
              <sld:ColorMapEntry quantity="1200" label="1200" color="#d7191c"/>

export default sld

The code in main.js is: main.js 中的代码是:

import sld from "./SLD_styles/style1"


const wmsSource2 = new TileWMS({
    url: "https://...",
    params: {
        LAYERS: "workSpace:layerName",
                STYLES: undefined,
        SLD_BODY: encodeURIComponent(sld),
    serverType: "geoserver",
    crossOrigin: "anonymous",

I've tried so many ways to achive that but without success.我已经尝试了很多方法来实现这一目标但没有成功。 Can someone halp me how exactly SLD should look like?有人能告诉我 SLD 到底应该是什么样子吗? Probably I have problem with matching names, isDefault parameter and so.可能我在匹配名称、isDefault 参数等方面有问题。

Thanks, Piotr谢谢,彼得

Import sld variable works fine.导入 sld 变量工作正常。 I have tried to import from.sld file using SLD: url, with out success as well.我尝试使用 SLD 导入 from.sld 文件:url,但也没有成功。

Checked "external styles" and "library mode" (part of the SLD spec) in the GeoServer documentation:检查 GeoServer 文档中的“外部样式”和“库模式”(SLD 规范的一部分):

https://docs.geoserver.org/maintain/en/user/styling/sld/working.html#external-styles https://docs.geoserver.org/maintain/en/user/styling/sld/working.html#external-styles

In particular, your style is likely not being used because you're in library mode:特别是,您的样式可能未被使用,因为您处于库模式:

  • The SLD must use a NamedLayer matching the same name used in the LAYERS paramer SLD 必须使用与 LAYERS 参数中使用的相同名称匹配的 NamedLayer
  • The UserStyle must match the same name used in the STYLES (or skip using STYLES, and mark the style as default in the SLD) UserStyle 必须与 STYLES 中使用的相同名称匹配(或跳过使用 STYLES,并在 SLD 中将样式标记为默认)

Here is a working example using the style name in the URL:这是一个使用 URL 中样式名称的工作示例:

https://gs-main.geosolutionsgroup.com/geoserver/topp/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=topp%3Astates&bbox=-124.73142200000001%2C24.955967%2C-66.969849%2C49.371735&width=768&height=330&srs=EPSG%3A4326&styles=popgray&format=application/openlayers&sld=https://gs-main.geosolutionsgroup.com/geoserver/styles/popgray.sld https://gs-main.geosolutionsgroup.com/geoserver/topp/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=topp%3Astates&bbox=-124.73142200000001%2C24.955967%2C-66.969849%2C48&hersight335&shersight71 =EPSG%3A4326&styles=popgray&format=application/openlayers&sld=https://gs-main.geosolutionsgroup.com/geoserver/styles/popgray.sld

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