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为什么我在 class 未定义的参数中收到错误提示 function - 错误 FS0039:值或构造函数“函数”未定义

[英]Why I get error saying function in argument for a class not defined - error FS0039: The value or constructor 'function' is not defined

I have a class called 'car', which can instantiate objects.我有一个 class 叫做'car',它可以实例化对象。

type car (fuelEco: float,fuel:int) =
    let mutable fuelEco = fuelEco
    let mutable tank = 0
    member this.addGas (liter: int) = tank <- liter
    member this.gasLeft () = tank
    member this.drive (km: int) =
        if float(km) > (float(tank) * fuelEco) then raise (InsuficientGas "You can't drive this far - you have insuficient amount of gas")
        else tank <- tank - int((float(km) / fuelEco))

I have another class called 'Assert' (with capital letter), which asserts a number of arguments given to the class Assert.我有另一个 class 称为“Assert”(大写字母),它断言了给 class Assert 的编号 arguments。

type Assert (str: string, a:'a, b: 'b,f:('a -> 'a -> bool)) =
    static member test = 
        if (f a (int(b))) then 
            printfn "%A : %A" "Pass" str
        else printfn "%A : %A" "Pass" str

I then have to test Assert by the follwing code:然后我必须通过以下代码测试断言:

let fe = 18.3
let mini = new car(fe,0)
Assert.test "GasLeft () - Full?" (mini.gasLeft ()) 10.0 (=)
Assert.test "GasLeft () - Empty?" (mini.gasLeft ()) 0 (=)

For the first test, I would expect to get "Fail": "GasLeft () - Full?"对于第一个测试,我希望得到“失败”:“GasLeft () - Full?” and for the second test, I would expect to get "Pass": "GasLeft() - Empty?"对于第二次测试,我希望得到“通过”:“GasLeft() - Empty?” when given the arguments specified.当给出指定的 arguments 时。

However, F# tells me that f is not defined in the arguments. My f when calling Assert.test is (=), which according to F# takes ('a -> 'a -> bool).但是,F# 告诉我 f 没有在 arguments 中定义。调用 Assert.test 时我的 f 是 (=),根据 F# 采用 ('a -> 'a -> bool)。 Note that I cast b to and int, because it can be given as a float type, so to be sure, that I compare two integers, I cast it to an int first.请注意,我将 b 转换为 int,因为它可以作为 float 类型给出,所以可以肯定的是,我比较两个整数,我首先将它转换为 int。

So I can't see why it says f is not defined?所以我不明白为什么它说 f 未定义?

The issue is with your Assert class. The arguments were going into the class constructor instead of the static member.问题出在您的Assert class 上。arguments 将进入 class 构造函数而不是 static 成员。 A static member does not have access to the state of the class and therefore you get an error. static 成员无权访问 class 的 state,因此您会收到错误消息。

I fixed this by moving the arguments to the test member and also changed them from being tupled arguments (comma separated) to curried arguments (space separated) so that they can be called in the curried style as you were doing.我通过将 arguments 移动到test成员来解决此问题,并将它们从元组 arguments(逗号分隔)更改为 curried arguments(空格分隔),以便可以像您一样以 curried 样式调用它们。

type Assert =
    static member test (str: string) (a:'a) (b: 'b) (f:('a -> 'a -> bool)) = 
        if (f a (int(b))) then 
            printfn "%A : %A" "Pass" str
        else printfn "%A : %A" "Pass" str

There seems to be some dangerous mixing of floats and ints.浮点数和整数似乎有些危险的混合。 I recommend changing all the number types here to be float, which should make the code more simple and correct.我建议把这里所有的数字类型都改成float,这样应该可以让代码更简单更正确。

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