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我可以将“Power Automate 流程”打包到一个文件中吗?

[英]Can I wrap up 'Power Automate flow' into a file?

I want to create a 'Power Automate flow' and wrap it up into a file so I can execute the automation by simple calling that file.我想创建一个“Power Automate 流程”并将其打包到一个文件中,这样我就可以通过简单地调用该文件来执行自动化。 Is that possible?那可能吗?


It is not exactly like running a file.它并不完全像运行一个文件。 But you can trigger flows by using a hyperlink from the When an HTTP request is received https://manueltgomes.com/reference/power-automate-trigger-reference/when-an-http-request-is-received-trigger/但是您可以通过使用超链接触发流,来自收到 HTTP 请求时https://manueltgomes.com/reference/power-automate-trigger-reference/when-an-http-request-is-received-trigger/

That might be an option.这可能是一个选择。 It is a premium action though.不过,这是一项高级操作。


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