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[英]For each passenger, get the information how many other passengers are in the same cart

I have a table;我有一张桌子;

INSERT INTO passengers(id, name, cart_id)
VALUES (1, Uolevi, 1), (2,Maija, 1), (3, Kaaleppi, 2), (4, Kotivalo, 4), (5, Juustina, 4), (6, Vihtori, 4) 

Expected result:预期结果:

| Column A | Column B |
| -------- | -------- |
| Uolevi   |   1      |
| Maija    |   1      |
| Kaaleppi |   0      |
| Kotivalo |   2      |
| Juustina |   2      |
| Vihtori  |   2      |

I used COUNT(*) and GROUP BY cart_id.我使用了 COUNT(*) 和 GROUP BY cart_id。 Then the column Name only shows the first name of each cart_id.然后 Name 列只显示每个 cart_id 的名字。

See http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/d4b80e/6/0参见http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/d4b80e/6/0

  ,(select count(*) from Passengers p2 
      where p1.cart_id = p2.cart_id and p1.Id <> p2.Id ) as CountOfOthers
  Passengers p1

Basically the sub query gets the count of passengers with the same [Passenger.Cart_Id] excluding themselves.基本上,子查询获取具有相同[Passenger.Cart_Id]的乘客数量,但不包括他们自己。

Output Output

id  name        CountOfOthers
1   Uolevi      1
2   Maija       1
3   Kaaleppi    0
4   Kotivalo    2
5   Juustina    2
6   Vihtori     2


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