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成对不使用 itertools 导入

[英]Pairwise not being imported with itertools

I'm on python 3.8.2 and I've tried the following code我在 python 3.8.2 上,我尝试了以下代码

from itertools import pairwise

However, it returns但是,它返回

ImportError: cannot import name 'pairwise' from 'itertools' (unknown location)

I tried other variants of the same thing like import itertools itertools.pairwise , but it still gave me errors.我尝试了相同事物的其他变体,例如import itertools itertools.pairwise ,但它仍然给我错误。

I figured it could be a spelling mistake so I tried我认为这可能是拼写错误所以我尝试了

from itertools import *


But it wasn't there但它不在那里

['__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__', '__warningregistry__', 'accumulate', 'chain', 'combinations', 'combinations_with_replacement', 'compress', 'count', 'cycle', 'dropwhile', 'filterfalse', 'groupby', 'islice', 'permutations', 'product', 'repeat', 'starmap', 'takewhile', 'tee', 'zip_longest']

I even tried it on different devices and an online interpreter.我什至在不同的设备和在线翻译器上尝试过。 在线翻译的截图,因为这听起来很疯狂

This pairwise only comes with Python 3.10+.这种成对仅随 Python 3.10+ 一起提供。 In previsous version, it is listed under Itertools Recipes section.在之前的版本中,它列在Itertools Recipes部分下。

That's why you cannot find it.这就是为什么你找不到它。 Try to upgrade to latest version always.尝试始终升级到最新版本。

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