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幻灯片 API React 中的 Mui 在开始而不是结束时触发侦听器

[英]Slide API Mui in React is triggering listener at start not end

I want to have an object slide to the left side of the screen from the right.我想让 object 从右边滑到屏幕的左边。 This is my code:这是我的代码:

import rock1 from "src/demos/MyDemo/assets/rock1.png"
import Slide from '@mui/material/Slide';

const Test = () => {

    return (
                mountOnEnter unmountOnExit
                    enter: "linear",
                    exit: "linear"
                    className="Rock" src={rock1}
                    style={{position:"absolute", left: -100, marginBottom:20}}

export default Test;

I want to do some stuff when the transition ends, so I've added a placeholder end listener for now.我想在过渡结束时做一些事情,所以我现在添加了一个占位符结束侦听器。 However, the listener triggers when the transition starts and does not trigger again when it ends.但是,侦听器会在转换开始时触发,而不会在转换结束时再次触发。 Why is it happening at the beginning, not the end, and how can I get it to register correctly?为什么它发生在开始而不是结束,我怎样才能让它正确注册?

According to the react-transition-group doc that is referenced by MUI on the Slide API page , addEndListener can be used to add another listener for the transition end and pass a callback.根据 MUI 在Slide API页面上引用的 react-transition-group 文档addEndListener可用于为过渡结束添加另一个侦听器并传递回调。

Live demo for below examples on stackblitz . stackblitz上以下示例的现场演示。

Perhaps try below example for addEndListener :也许尝试下面的addEndListener示例:

  addEndListener={(node, done) =>
    // 👇 node is the element being transitioned
      // 👇 This event fires at the finish of transition
      (e) => {
        // 👇 Do something here
        console.log("Actually done");

However, according to the above sources, it seems that another way to achieve the same result here is by adding a callback to the prop onEntered :然而,根据上述消息来源,似乎在这里实现相同结果的另一种方法是向 prop onEntered添加回调:

  onEntered={() => console.log('onEntered fired')}

Despite the name, onEntered is fired when the transition is complete here, while another prop onExited runs when the exit transition concludes, if applicable.尽管名称如此,当转换完成时onEntered会在此处触发,而另一个道具onExited在退出转换结束时运行(如果适用)。 More details can be found in above source links.可以在上面的源链接中找到更多详细信息。

Hope this will help.希望这会有所帮助。

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