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使用 Vitest 测试 Vue 组件时如何初始化 Vuelidate?

[英]How to initialise Vuelidate when testing a Vue component with Vitest?

In my Vue 2.7.14 app I'm using Vuelidate 2.0.0.在我的 Vue 2.7.14 应用程序中,我使用的是 Vuelidate 2.0.0。 I'm trying to migrate a test from Jest to Vitest, but the v$ object is not initialised correctly in the latter case.我正在尝试将测试从 Jest 迁移到 Vitest,但在后一种情况下v$对象未正确初始化。 The component has a checkbox bound to formData.accepted该组件有一个复选框绑定到formData.accepted

  validations () {
    return {
      formData: {
        accepted: {
          sameAs: sameAs(true)

Vuelidate is initialised within the component as per the docs Vuelidate根据文档在组件内初始化

  setup () {
    return {
      v$: useVuelidate({ $autoDirty: true })

When I run the following test under Jest, it passes当我在 Jest 下运行以下测试时,它通过了

  it('click save button', async () => {
    const wrapper = mount(MyComponent)

    await wrapper.find('[data-cy="accept-checkbox"]').trigger('click')

However, if I run the same test using Vitest it fails because wrapper.vm.v$.formData is undefined because v$ is initialised to:但是,如果我使用 Vitest 运行相同的测试,它会失败,因为wrapper.vm.v$.formDataundefined的,因为v$被初始化为:

v$ {
  "$dirty": false,
  "$path": "__root",
  "$model": null,
  "$error": false,
  "$errors": [],
  "$invalid": false,
  "$anyDirty": false,
  "$pending": false,
  "$silentErrors": [],
  "$validationGroups": {}

By contrast, when the Jest test is run, $silentErrors is not empty, and the following property path is (obviously) valid相比之下,当运行 Jest 测试时, $silentErrors不为空,并且以下属性路径(显然)有效


What should I do to ensure that v$ is initialised correctly when the test is run with Vitest?当使用 Vitest 运行测试时,我应该怎么做才能确保v$被正确初始化?

First try:第一次尝试:

You need to assign a const to the wrapper:您需要为包装器分配一个常量:

  it('click save button', async () => {
    const wrapper = mount(MyComponent)
    const { $v } = wrapper.vm;

    await wrapper.find('[data-cy="accept-checkbox"]').trigger('click')

Further try:进一步尝试:

I think you are also missing the import of validationMixin in your test file to use the $v object:我认为您还缺少在测试文件中导入validationMixin以使用$v对象:

import { validationMixin } from 'vuelidate';

After that change your component to this:之后将您的组件更改为:

export default {
  mixins: [validationMixin],
  setup () {
    return {
      v$: useVuelidate()

Glad about feedback if it worked and if not we'll get there.如果它有效,我们会很高兴收到反馈,如果没有,我们会到达那里。 :) :)

To initialise Vuelidate when testing a Vue component with Vitest you can use the following approach:要在使用 Vitest 测试 Vue 组件时初始化 Vuelidate,您可以使用以下方法:

1. Add the following line to your test file: 1. 将以下行添加到您的测试文件中:

import Vuelidate from 'vuelidate';

2. Use Vuelidate in your test like so: 2. 在测试中使用 Vuelidate,如下所示:

it('click save button', async () => {

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent)

const v = Vuelidate.instance()


await wrapper.find('[data-cy="accept-checkbox"]').trigger('click')



3. Make sure that Vuelidate is initialised correctly within your Vue component like so: 3. 确保 Vuelidate 在您的 Vue 组件中正确初始化,如下所示:

v$: useVuelidate({

$autoDirty: true


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