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无法部署 Firebase 函数(无法获取未定义的运行服务)

[英]Can't deploy Firebase functions (Failed to fetch Run service undefined)

Can't deploy Firebase functions.无法部署 Firebase 函数。 I have two project aliases, it's working fine for the first project (dev), but not for the second (prod).我有两个项目别名,它在第一个项目 (dev) 中运行良好,但在第二个项目 (prod) 中运行良好。
Whenever I write firebase deploy --only functions I get the following message每当我写firebase deploy --only functions时,我都会收到以下消息

i deploying functions
i  functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled...
i  functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled...
i  artifactregistry: ensuring required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com is enabled...
+  functions: required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled
+  artifactregistry: required API artifactregistry.googleapis.com is enabled
+  functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled
i  functions: preparing codebase default for deployment
!  functions: package.json indicates an outdated version of firebase-functions. Please upgrade 
using npm install --save firebase-functions@latest in your functions directory.
!  functions: Please note that there will be breaking changes when you upgrade.
i  functions: Loaded environment variables from .env.prod.
!  functions: You are using an old version of firebase-functions SDK (3.15.7). Please update 
firebase-functions SDK to >=3.20.0
i  functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...
i  functions: packaged E:\FlutterProjects\pegasus\functions (218.61 KB) for uploading

Error: Failed to fetch Run service undefined

I had the same issue and it was fixed for me when installed the latest firebase tools我遇到了同样的问题,在安装最新的 firebase 工具时已为我修复

npm install -g firebase-tools npm 安装-g firebase-tools

This was also fixed automatically by upgrading the version of firebase-tools using the command npm install -g firebase-tools.这也通过使用命令npm install -g firebase-tools.

You can add the --force flag if you encounter the below error如果遇到以下错误,可以添加 --force 标志

npm ERR! code EEXIST
npm ERR! path /usr/local/bin/firebase
npm ERR! EEXIST: file already exists
npm ERR! File exists: /usr/local/bin/firebase

You need to update your firebase-tools.您需要更新您的 firebase 工具。 Run npm install -g firebase-tools.运行 npm install -g firebase-tools。

You may also need to re-source your terminal.您可能还需要重新获取您的终端。 I checked my version after npm i -g firebase-tools and it still wasn't 11.18.0 but did a source ~/.zshrc and it fixed the issue.我在npm i -g firebase-tools之后检查了我的版本,它仍然不是 11.18.0 但做了一个source ~/.zshrc .zshrc 并解决了这个问题。

Make sure you execute npm install -g firebase-tools in the functions folder.确保在函数文件夹中执行npm install -g firebase-tools

When you're using Firebase Tools with a version that is less than or equal to v11.18.0 , you might encounter the following error:当您使用版本低于或等于v11.18.0的 Firebase 工具时,您可能会遇到以下错误:

Error: Failed to fetch Run service undefined错误:无法获取未定义的运行服务

The first thing that you should take into consideration is to update to a version that is newer than or equal to v11.18.0 .您应该考虑的第一件事是更新到高于或等于v11.18.0的版本。 By the time I'm answering this question, the latest version is 11.20.0 .当我回答这个问题时,最新版本是11.20.0

Furthermore, install the latest Firebase tools by using the following line of code in your terminal:此外,在终端中使用以下代码行安装最新的 Firebase 工具:

npm install -g firebase-tools --force
npm audit fix

PS It's also recommended to update Firebase Function to the latest available version which now it's 4.1.1 . PS 还建议将 Firebase Function 更新到最新的可用版本,现在是4.1.1


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