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Tizen Studio 安装失败

[英]Tizen Studio Fails to install

I tried to install Tizen Studio 5.0 on my Windows 11 PC.我试图在我的 Windows 11 PC 上安装 Tizen Studio 5.0。 I noticed the installer shows up but when it says "the installation process is starting..." it disappears.我注意到安装程序出现了,但是当它说“安装过程正在开始......”时它就消失了。

I tried looking into the temporary files and ran installer.jar using我尝试查看临时文件并使用 installer.jar 运行

java -jar installer.jar

but I got an error saying:但我收到一条错误消息:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: org.tizen.installer.exception.IMFatalException: Cannot find the config file.
        at org.tizen.installer.core.Config.<init>(Config.java:138)
        at org.tizen.installer.util.Log.getLogger(Log.java:144)
        at org.tizen.installer.ui.wizard.WizardUIMain.<clinit>(WizardUIMain.java:68)

Thank you very much for asking it.非常感谢你提出这个问题。 We have not supported windows11 on TizenStudio officially till now But we will check the issue as soon as possible, and then, once we find out something, we will update it again.到目前为止,我们还没有在 TizenStudio 上正式支持 windows11 但我们会尽快检查问题,一旦发现问题,我们会再次更新。 Thanks谢谢

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