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有没有办法在 Redis 中禁用命令“keys *”?

[英]Is there a way to disable command 'keys *' in Redis?

I'm using AWS elastic cache Redis.我正在使用 AWS 弹性缓存 Redis。

I saw that Warning: consider KEYS as a command that should only be used in production environments with extreme care in Redis Documentation.我在 Redis 文档中看到了Warning: consider KEYS as a command that should only be used in production environments with extreme care

If I want to disable the 'key' command, Is there a way to disable command 'keys' or 'keys *' in Redis?如果我想禁用“key”命令,有没有办法在 Redis 中禁用命令“keys”或“keys *”?



You can disable the 'keys' command using the rename-commands in the parameter group(AWS elastic cache Parameter group).您可以使用参数组(AWS 弹性缓存参数组)中的重命名命令禁用“keys”命令。

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